[Serious] Entheogens

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[Serious] Entheogens

Post by morl0ck »

So this thread isn't about getting fucked up or wasted on drugs. I want it to be about the serious use of entheogens for consciousness exploration. I want to know if you've had experiences that have convinced you there's "something else" out there. I've been somewhat obsessed with them lately, reading lots of trip reports, and have recently had a pretty mind blowing experience myself on a low dose of Salvia Divinorum (legal where I live).

So if you've got it SHARE.
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Re: [Serious] Entheogens

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

drugs are bad for you
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Re: [Serious] Entheogens

Post by morl0ck »

drugs are bad for you
Your brain naturally has DMT (a powerful hallucinogen that makes you trip balls) in it, which releases small amounts when you sleep.
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Re: [Serious] Entheogens

Post by morl0ck »

I had a relitive who took to many hallucinogens, he got depressed because his brain couldn't produce more hormones that makes you happy and he killed himself. Don' take too much, dude.
He was probably messing around with heroic doses of MDMA/ Ecstasy. That shit will deplete your seratonin levels for weeks... I really don't know about any "hallucinagens" that do that
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Re: [Serious] Entheogens

Post by morl0ck »

Yeah Ecstasy is a party drug and I have no interest in trying... I don't really care about the "feelgood" drugs- not even weed interest me anymore. I'm talking mainly about classic Entheogens like Magic Mushrooms, DMT, Mescaline, LSD, Ayahusca, Salvia. None of these deplete seratonin to an extreme degree or at all. Actually it takes a special type of crazy person to want to do DMT and Salvia more than once, but in that category I think I fit.
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Re: [Serious] Entheogens

Post by morl0ck »

Yeah, I've never had DMT but Salvia can be just as powerful. On a low dosage part of my head got stuck in another dimension...
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