[IMPORTANT] Real life VS Games

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[IMPORTANT] Real life VS Games

Post by BOC »

Greetings Simplicitants,

Recently, as some of you may know, one of the members of BOC posted a photoshopped picture of one of the players of SimPVP, being Pippenger.
We did not realise this could actually do damage to the person's real life situation. All we meant was to play some jokes without actually trying to hurt someone.

Please allow me to apologize for what we did
Our behavior was extremely inappropriate, immature, and lacked the respect Pippenger deserves.
I can speak for the whole team that we genuinely meant to do no harm whatsoever.
I hope Pippenger can forgive us, and if not we understand.

Furhurmore, here's a message from Yukarion, the server owner:

''We the admins of SimPVP want minecraft to be what it is. A game. We don't want the game we all enjoy to be mixed up with real life situations. And to help prevent events such as Pippengers we are applying a new rule. Do whatever you want to do ingame, but don't bring any issues you have with anyone into real life. Keep the game a game. Don't share personal information, do not contact anyone from the server in real life without their consent. (or people they know in real life). If you still wish to do this anyway, you will be banned.''

We of BOC apologise once more and hope people will learn from our mistakes.
We may have gotten a warning but people who proceed to do the same as us will not. And we do not wish for that to happen since we're all secretly a very tight community, apart from the ''wars'' and whatnot.

I hope this message got through all of you and once more: We are genuinely sorry, Pip.

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Re: [IMPORTANT] Real life VS Games

Post by Yukar9 »

I just want to make it clear that the "rule" listed is not a rule in the same sense as rule 2, it was a warning given to specific people that if they continued with certain behavior they would be banned.

Also I'm being paraphrased, those are not my exact words.
A. Pippenger
in diamond armor
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Re: [IMPORTANT] Real life VS Games

Post by A. Pippenger »

No harm seems to have come of it, especially since Yukar removed it fast. Still, this has been very unpleasant and frightening to deal with.

No hard feelings but I think I will quit the server, permanently this time. Here is a full list of my alts and stuff, they'll all quit too:

not_pippenger, AKA Pippinger, AKA Vast_Marcus
Cheesoid, AKA AllSixSix
Senator_Bix (admin)

Accounts that aren't strictly mine but that I have access too, you may see them still, but they won't be me

I signed up for an anarchy server. I signed up to be griefed, killed, and stolen from, but only in the game. I did not sign up to be stalked and defamed IRL. I am worried about what else may happen if I stay on a server where there are people who hate me and who know my real identity and where to find me.

Yukar, Strawman, and other admins, you guys are alright. You run a good server. However, due to some of the players here, I can no longer stay. Sorry it has to end like this, but thanks for years of (mostly) good memories.