Server Party at Quinsigamond
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:39 pm
Tomorrow, on Thursday, November 1st, 2018 at 3:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, I will be hosting a Server Party at my base Quinsigamond, and anyone and everyone is invited to join!
Recently in-game, I have been handing out physical invitations to people, containing all of the details and information you need about the party. So far, I have a pretty big guest list of party-goers. Thus, if you would like to join SimPvP's first major party in years, feel free to stop by at the above date and time!
I will be releasing Quinsigamond's coordinates to the public, as I no longer have a real reason to maintain the city in private, and I have also become more inclusive in letting people join and visit; it has become more of a landmark than a sufficient base I can profit from. Thus, if you would like to join the party and see the base, here are the coords: x=22245 z=2496. After a year-and-a-half of being privately held with little-to-no-griefing, it will be interesting to see what happens to it. Remember, ANYTHING is allowed, and although I would like to see my city stand the test of time, we will see what happens when it does. I hope you can make it to the party, and I will be filming it all as well! If you want a physical invitation, meet me in /world in-game!
Recently in-game, I have been handing out physical invitations to people, containing all of the details and information you need about the party. So far, I have a pretty big guest list of party-goers. Thus, if you would like to join SimPvP's first major party in years, feel free to stop by at the above date and time!
I will be releasing Quinsigamond's coordinates to the public, as I no longer have a real reason to maintain the city in private, and I have also become more inclusive in letting people join and visit; it has become more of a landmark than a sufficient base I can profit from. Thus, if you would like to join the party and see the base, here are the coords: x=22245 z=2496. After a year-and-a-half of being privately held with little-to-no-griefing, it will be interesting to see what happens to it. Remember, ANYTHING is allowed, and although I would like to see my city stand the test of time, we will see what happens when it does. I hope you can make it to the party, and I will be filming it all as well! If you want a physical invitation, meet me in /world in-game!