Switch server to Windows Server 2019™

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Which server should Yukarion use:

Switch to the professional and highly supported Windows Server 2019™ (The obvious choice for anyone who's ever had a REAL job)
continue using whatever gno/linux version is currently being used (there are literally hundreds because none of those incels can agree on anything)
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Switch server to Windows Server 2019™

Post by clipchip »

It's 2019, after a decade of hearing those delusional people claim it's the 'year of the lunix desktop' I think we can all agree it's NOT going to happen. Let me ask you a question when considering computer security who do you trust more, a highly skilled, educated, and well paid engineer working at the most prestigious tech company of the 21st century (Microsoft), or some sweaty nerd who's never had a real job, probably wears a fedora, and gets cheeto dust all over his keyboard as he hacks away on his hobby project (linux). Anyone who's ever actually USED linux can tell you that stuff just doesn't work, and frankly after the recent allegations regarding the higher ups (if you can even call them that) I'm disgusted anyone would still consider using that garbage.
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