I have been chosen as the sacrificial lamb to make this poll. Yukarion currently plans to disable TNT duping when the server updates to 1.16, below I will list the reasons to keep it enabled.
(Note that "TNT duping" refers to duping TNT which has already been primed, it does NOT refer to blocks of TNT which can be stored in your inventory)
Community consensus - a non-binding vote was held in the SimPVP Discord; 74 people voted to keep it enabled, while just 15 voted to disable it - that's 83% support
Removes unfair advantage to older players - since new players won't be able to use TNT duping, large farm perimeters will be exclusive to those who joined before it was disabled
Enables many essential farms which are not possible without TNT duping
Counters lavacast griefs - these are otherwise practically impossible to clear without TNT duping
If I've missed anything, let me know and I'll add it. I'm also unfamiliar with the technical details so reply with any potential alternatives to TNT duping, if any exist.
FYI - since I'm personally not too fussed about this issue, I'm not gonna spam people to vote like I did for phantoms. If you want the poll to hopefully achieve anything, you'll have to pester everyone yourselves
also move to Suggestions pls I couldn't make poll there
a possible alternative would be to somehow enable movable tile entities with something like the Carpet Mod. this would let us replace TNT dupers with movable dispensers (something like this, for example) which would let us replace tnt dupers with something "less exploity" (even though mojang themselves don't consider it an exploit). However, this wouldn't really address the fact that sand isn't renewable, something mojang have said is something they wanna change before getting rid of TNT dupers
A little sad to me how people keep voting for stuff that will just make their lives easier, like with the phantom vote. However I won't be too pissed if tnt duping is legal since it's arguably a vanilla mechanic.
Okay I know we've been over all the arguments on the discord, but I'll quickly lay out my reasons for voting "no" below.
At its core, TNT duping is still a form of duping. It is extremely powerful, and it is undeniably a glitch. The fact that Mojang has chosen to not fix it doesn't change that. I would like our rules to be as simple and without exceptions as possible, and I think it'd be better if all forms of duping were forbidden, instead of just most of them.
I also don't believe at all that TNT duping is a necessary part of the game, as many people argue. It certainly makes a lot of things easier, and some things possible at all, but all those things are non-essential luxuries (easy farm perimeters, fully automatic wood farms etc.).
The only argument that seems somewhat reasonable to me is that lavacasts may become too powerful without a good way of clearing them, but lavacasts have been possible long before TNT duping was, and it never caused major issues. Making legit TNT is easier than it used to be, which I believe is enough to combat lavacasts where necessary.