Kill Dragonar

Sell, buy, or trade your various stuff. Offer your services as a bounty hunter, or request that somebody be killed.
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wannabe troll, flaming us by entering arbitrary words in capslock
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Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:00 am

Kill Dragonar

Post by Blaze17145 »

He has briefed many people's bases, but not only that, been an ass with it, leaving signs saying things such as "Raided by Dragonar, bitches. sucks to lose everything doesn't it".
I can pay a lot. I don't have much now but I will probably have diamonds within a week or two. Maybe 15 diamond as payment? I don't want him only dead, I want him to SUFFER for his actions. Make him regret the day he briefed Blaze17145 and Blazyd! Kill him, raid his base, burn his items, and if he combat logs, USE LAVA!


Rumors are his old base before 1.8 was in the nether. It is unknown if it is there now or if he even still plays on SPVP. But if he does, tell me.
Posts: 292
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:27 am

Re: Kill Dragonar

Post by Xestia »

What's the reward and does he still play here?
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