Event City Protected Area

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Event City Protected Area

Post by pianiseemo »

Will be explicating further (don't have time to really flesh this out atm). Ignore post for now plox.

Disadvantages to event city in spawn that you might never realized:
1. hampers playing of certain games
2. makes building/creating games harder for admin
3. makes enforcing rules harder (event city isn't abstract anymore, it's right there for you to see, why listen to rules)
4. makes 70% of games unplayable, and makes hosting other games like hunger games much harder
5. spawn and event city should have 2 different architectural themes, they are not aesthetically matching
6. spawn will need too large of a protected area and will get too crowded

The few benefits are:
1. Less protected areas (does this really matter though, we could even put the event city outside of map limit later on)
2. tp-id is broken so it's easier for me to travel to spawn than go several k out from spawn (but why is tp-id broken?)