Hello Everyone!

Report hackers, or find out why you were banned
wannabe troll, flaming us by entering arbitrary words in capslock
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Hello Everyone!

Post by Lombaxlee »

My name in-game is Lombaxlee, I have played on your server for about 3 weeks now. This is my appeal to a completely wrongful, and falsely accused ban I recieved. Apporx. 3 days ago, I was out with coordinates to some bases I had obtained. I was up till about 4 AM and I decided to call it a night with no problems, I.E. No admins were talking to me about hacking or whatever else, Simply me just logging off. I then tried to log in the very next day and it gave me an error message saying "you have been banned to the following reasons, X-ray hack and Fly-Hacking". I do not, nor have I ever fly-hacked or texture packed. I do not like people who do and I report anyone who does these things. It ruins the game and allows for unfair advantages. I have made a quite large base with my friend Fallen_Cube, and he has told me he has been talking about me in-game on my behalf. I would very much like to continue playing on your server, I believe I play a vital role in the growth, and the development of this server.

Thanks so much,
and I look forward to playing with you all in-game.

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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by worldruler86 »

Yeah, piani used a mod called "hawkeye" that lets him see who breaks certain blocks. According to him, you broke into his base after he covered the holes left by turtlerancher, who allegedly xrayed. I honestly don't know much about it, but the admin you're looking for is pianisemmo. I don't know that you hacked, but admins rarely wrongly ban someone. either you were a false positive, or you're lying. I'm hoping this is just a big misunderstanding. We already had 5+ people banned for xrays, and two (including you) have said they were wrongly banned.
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Yacc1988 »

3 friends of me have seen Lombaxlee and Fallen_Cube in my Base. all hidden chest where discovered by them. there where no hints that there is a hidden chest. and i dont know who of both dug to the chest but its very obvious that one of them has x-ray or an seethrough texturepack. all chests have been discouvered very straight with no removal of un-needed blocks to get to the chests. and there was no damage made by random digging or something, just straight removal of chest cover.
in diamond armor
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by YoungsMC »

Howdy everyone!

I'd like to fill you guys in on how an XRay Texture Pack works.
If a chest were to be completely covered on all sides, the chest wouldn't appear on the XRay Texture Pack.

So basically XRay Packs can only see what are called caverns on the minecraft wiki.
If you had a diamond block exposed exposed by a cave, an XRay pack would show it. But if were just completely covered up by smoothstone on all of its sides, it wouldn't appear.

With the inference that Yacc sealed his chests on all sides, I'm going to say this was XRay mod rather than a texture pack.
Bloop the poop
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Bloop the poop »

HOWDAY! yeah Lombax I don't think you play some vital role in the growth of this server. You shouldn't be telling people that you're importantwith the growth of the server, thats just selfish. Also, looking at all the replies from other people it looks to me that you're quite an xrayer. People who play vital roles are people like piani or Yukar or even LittleBoxofEmo. Get you're head straightened. You're banned, and you're not getting unbanned.
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by dpy »

Hold up, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I'd like to hear pianiseemo's opinion on this, since he has been rather excitable with the whole hawkeye thing (no offense piani). Recieving coords to a base rather than randomly guessing IS a valid excuse; if you have any sort of proof to back up this claim, now is the time to post it -- if you'd rather not state publicly who gave you the coords and why, then please PM the pertinent information to me and I will forward it to the other admins. Failing to do so will definitely hurt your case.

I had a private discussion with piani in which I told him that I saw your username online and was under the impression that I had already banned you for flyhacking - which I think he latched on to as me accusing you of flyhacking. Given that you were unbanned (and not by me), obviously I either falsely banned you for flying initially, or am confusing you with someone else (much more likely). I apologize if this contributed to your "x-ray and flying" ban, since that wasn't the impression I meant to give to piani. I ban a lot of people, mostly for flying, and at a certain point all the usernames start to blur together.

edit: Youngs, difference between x-ray texture pack and x-ray mod is good to know, but not super necessary. X-ray mod is far more widely abused (which is why hiding chests behind smoothstone *doesn't* work), and BOTH are prohibited on the server. Lombax, if saying " I do not, nor have I ever fly-hacked or texture packed. " is an attempt to white-lie about having used x-ray mod rather than texture pack, that won't do much for your case. Hopefully I'm misinterpreting that though.
in diamond armor
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by YoungsMC »

Youngs, difference between x-ray texture pack and x-ray mod is good to know, but not super necessary. X-ray mod is far more widely abused (which is why hiding chests behind smoothstone *doesn't* work), and BOTH are prohibited on the server. Lombax, if saying " I do not, nor have I ever fly-hacked or texture packed. " is an attempt to white-lie about having used x-ray mod rather than texture pack, that won't do much for your case. Hopefully I'm misinterpreting that though.
Yes, we can easily say that it's coincidental that he used the term "Texture pack" as XRay all together. After giving it some thought I can see why it wouldn't matter to Yacc's side of the argument.
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Yukar9 »

Recieving coords to a base rather than randomly guessing IS a valid excuse; if you have any sort of proof to back up this claim, now is the time to post it -- if you'd rather not state publicly who gave you the coords and why, then please PM the pertinent information to me and I will forward it to the other admins. Failing to do so will definitely hurt your case.
Waiting for this, then I'll decide.
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Yacc1988 »

ok if he cant prove his innocence. i have a list of my lost stuff: i try to be as accurate as possible, iam asked my 4 friends who played the most in my team about all stocks, to be accurate. beside of that all values are just approximately

10x64 bread
5x64 arrows
6x64 flint
1x64 beef
1x64 pork
10x64 Netherwart
30 Blaze Rods
circa 150 Diamonds
2x64 BLOCKS of Iron
30x Spider Eyes
about 500 wheat Crops
100 chickens (we dont need chickens but the feathers would be nice)
50 Cows
50 Pigs
64 Obsidian

i think thats all important
wannabe troll, flaming us by entering arbitrary words in capslock
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Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Lombaxlee »

My oh my! Quite a lot of posts since I checked in last! To answer some of these questions, To what someone said about me only saying "Texture pack and fly-mod" and how I didn't say specifically X-RAY mod, Your reading too much into it. Im talking about every hack, every mod, I don't use any of them. I was not "hinting" at the fact that I didn't specifically say X-RAY MOD. I don't use that either. Now, to the point of Yukar's decision based on if I will release the person who gave the coords, It would ruin this persons reputation. They are a trusted friend In-game to the person who I had griefed, He gave me specific's as to where the chests were, the area to dig, and obviously the coords, Ect. Im so sick and tired of manipulating chat (I.E. Getting coords to bases from random people I don't know and making them trust me and saying I won't grief their bases ect.) without someone moaning and complaining over the fact that they lost some Blaze rods and Pork. To be honest, this whole ban is a joke, not saying the admins are, just the whole fact that I can't simply grief on a GRIEFING server. I very much want to play on this server and to whoever said that I don't play a vital role? Who are you to say that? One day I could donate money to this server, (therefore a vital role in the GROWTH), So that point is obviously invalid. All in all I hope I answered all of your questions, I look forward to finally getting re-instated as a part of the server, seeing as I spent almost 3 weeks just making a base on my own, (and manipulating chat ^.^).

Thanks alot,

The Lombax :)
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