Yes its another anti-limit topic. I'm sorry.

Post various suggestions here, if support is shown for your suggestion a vote will be started
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Yes its another anti-limit topic. I'm sorry.

Post by waronchickens97 »

Derp I propose a new 100 block limit to aid PvP. Derp. But seriously we need a larger limit I'm tired of building underground shitty little houses that get xrayed within a month and result in too much hassle for players and Yukar alike. PvP could be encouraged simply by holding more events and making it easier to get to spawn. Just my opinion I'm not going to get all bitchy either way. Credit where credit is due the OPs have done a great job making the limit bareable but it really is not feasable when so many people out there are using hacked clients. In many cases the limit has led to even less PvP other than arranged battles at spawn as people are afraid to leave their holes cause they'll be killed and greifed and lose everything. The limit has caused too much rage and its just not worth it anymore.
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Re: Yes its another anti-limit topic. I'm sorry.

Post by RevStoningpot »
