My ban appeal

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My ban appeal

Post by x_robb3h »

I was jailed and falsely accused of the use of x-ray. After i took off from my base, to go and find land i saw Littleboxofemo's name plate. So i wanted to see if that was an admin base to I quickly got out of my boat because you can not sneak in a boat and went underwater and underground to sneak and slowly dug my way to what i thought was a base. I knew exactly were the base was because of the name plate. I was not x-raying and would like to continue game play at Thanks -x_Rob
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Gnatogryz »

This is how it looked like from my perspective:

And this is why I got interested in x_robb3h in the first place:
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by x_robb3h »

First video: Its quite easy to find a base like i did. i diden't want to be seen. so i went underground and waited till no name plate was seen. then i dug towards the base or what ever was there. I thought it was an admin base and that i was going to get lucky. Thats really easy to do. Not hard at all. Its not like when i was digging that i over shot the dig and then went to it. that would be xraying. That was completely fair game.

Second video: I don't know how long ago this was, but to my best memory i rember i was going to expand the mine up by one. And were thouse dia were at the end of the mine. Like i said this was awile ago i think? i don't even rember that well.
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Gnatogryz »

x_robb3h wrote:Second video: I don't know how long ago this was, but to my best memory i rember i was going to expand the mine up by one. And were thouse dia were at the end of the mine. Like i said this was awile ago i think? i don't even rember that well.
The problem with your explanation is that you've only expanded your mine upwards in this single spot. There is another interesting dig, I can fid it for you if you want. Oh, and this one is quite old indeed - it's from 18:12 today.
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by mitte90 »

it was to far down and underwater for u to see the nameplate. gnat did not see it. the mining was also suspicious. appeal denied.
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

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Re: My ban appeal

Post by RevStoningpot »

i'm confused. What he says seems to be what i'm seeing in the video. Nameplates are visible for quite a distance. 1 or 2 diamond scores prove nothing. And what were the admins doing there? Why did box go visible? Was she in that base when she did? It seemed like some sort of trap and i'm pretty sure we arn't supposed to trap people.
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by LoneSoldier55 »

mitte90 wrote:it was to far down and underwater for u to see the nameplate. gnat did not see it. the mining was also suspicious. appeal denied.
Let me translate this from "Mitte" to "Standard United States English".

It was too far down and under too much water for you to see the nameplate. Gnat can confirm that he did not see it either. The mining was a bit suspicious. Appeal has been denied.
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by worldruler086 »

What base was box at?
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Re: My ban appeal

Post by Gnatogryz »

Rev, I took Mitte down to his mine and we found more tunnels branching off directly to diamonds. Diamond scores are meaningful if one suddenly disrupts their mining pattern exclusively in the spots where there are diamonds.
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