Simplicitypvp:Report & appeal

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Report cheaters, or find out why you were banned.

unjail pleaz ;(

Rainer Pinkler (talkcontribs)
pls unjail me,

i didnt know using mods wasnt allowed. But i needed them to escape spawn. I didnt grief or anything, i just wanted to escape the spawn.

my name is Rainer___Pinkler

and i would like to play on this server.


Sav5 (talkcontribs)

You are now unjailed. Please do not make the same mistake again, otherwise we will have to jail you forever. Happy playing :)

Jail Appeal

Cnastret (talkcontribs)

About a month ago I heard of this server Simpvp. I thought it was normal anarcy and I didn't read chat or any of the signs in spawn. That is why I on my account Cnastret was banned for hacking. I didn't know hacking wasn't allowed until I was jailed. Then I simply logged off. Then just a few days ago I thought it would be fun to play on the server again. I had reasently bought a second account called Qubisten, so I thought I could play on that accout instead. At the time I didn't actually know about Ban evasion, being very new to being banned. Because of the chat message about you not giving a second chance, I didn't know you could make an appeal. Now after trying to escape spawn I was jailed again for ban evasion. Just to clarify, I WAS NOT hacking on the second account and wasn't even thinking of hacking again. I never had any bad intensions when I was hacking on the first account.

I was wondering if I could be unbanned / unjailed preferably on both accounts. As I said I wasn't aware of the rule of not hacking. I simply did not pay good enough attention. That I have learned now is not a good idea(Not paying attention). Hacking is only somthing I have done on anarcy servers and I have no intensions of ever hacking again.

IGNs: Cnastret, Qubisten

Thanks in advance

Sincerely, Cnastret

Cnastret (talkcontribs)

Want to add I really want to play on the server if that wasn't already clear.

NoNamedLoser (talkcontribs)

Sorry for the late reply, in order to be unbanned you need to write an essay explaining why you wish to be unjailed, exactly what you did to be banned and what you will contribute to the server if you are unbanned. This essay has to be minimum 400 words. You can send it in this Jail Appeal on its completion.

Editkil (talkcontribs)

Over the course of the last few days i made the stupid decision to use xray, i was using it to find portals to explore bases, if it makes the situiation any better i didnt have any bad intentions, i was only exploring the bases and ruins, collecting banners and books i found and not greifing anything. The stuff was meant to go in a museum of server history where i would write the storys of said banners and books.

I know this is one of the worst offenses i could have made so i fear there is little hope for me, but i will still take a shot in hopes of getting unjailed anyway. This server is pretty special and i was looking forward to getting established here, and just as a got banned i was invited to a group with a few people so it makes it hurt a little more. The history on this server also makes it really special so theres no doubt i would have stayed here for a long time if i didnt get banned.

If you decide to pardon me, this wont ever happen again of course as i've learned how strict and observant you guys are when it comes to your rules, and i promise to better myself.

IGN is Editkil.

Fingers crossed.

Hijax (talkcontribs)

Your "i"'s are meant to be capitalized.

Editkil (talkcontribs)

i dont care

NoNamedLoser (talkcontribs)


Editkil (talkcontribs)


Jail Appeal/Jail Reason

Troll bebek (talkcontribs)

Hey, I last played the server around a year ago with some of my friends. I logged off with a lot of my loot, logged on today again since a few of my friends started playing again & wanted to continue our base, however I am jailed. Im not sure exactly why as its been around a year since the last time I logged in, and I was not jailed then. Username is Troll_Bebek, is there any way you'd be able to tell me the reason since I honestly cannot guess why.

Sav5 (talkcontribs)

You are now unjailed. You were jailed for fly exploits, I am not really sure why but since its a year, you can go.

Troll bebek (talkcontribs)

Thanks for responding, yeah im not sure why either since last time I logged in I wasnt jailed.

However when I tried logging in a few minutes ago, I was still unable to do /world & get out of jail. Username: Troll_Bebek

NoNamedLoser (talkcontribs)

ignore sav he isn't admin

Theotherhades1 (talkcontribs)

ignore NoNamedLoser he's a known troll and misinformation spreader

Hijax (talkcontribs)

ignore hades bc i said so

Mirsitos (talkcontribs)

I was put in Jail by "Reach + Air-Place", I asked a friend if I could use Lithematics and he told me that there was no problem, I didn't know that you can't use the "EasyPlace" option i just tried the "EasyPlace" mode because it was my first time using Lithematics, i will stop using the "EasyPlace" mode and i could remove the blocks that I placed with the "EasyPlace" mode without problem; And i started reading the rules so that this type of inconvenience does not happen again. Please help me solve this problem.

Sorry for the inconvenience and my bad English.

Yukar9 (talkcontribs)

Hi, sorry for the wait. You have been unjailed now.

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