Lpmaster123: Difference between revisions

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(['== Overview ==', 'thumb|left|alt=BURSTING!| BURSTING', 'thumb|left|alt=BURSTING!| HIS CHAIN', "*Give '''Tombomb47''' a call right now: '''+1 647-229-8599'''", "*Real name: '''Tomas Tylka'''", "*Date of birth: '''28 March 2006'''", 'thumb|left|alt=Tombomb47 Pedophile and ID leaked LOL!| TOM BOMB Pedophile and ID leaked LOL'] - Attempt 1 by mcswag123 - Hash: 4fc1c3b31ed240ef98d9487a9512926c)
Tag: Replaced
(23 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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['== Overview ==', '[[File:BurstingDaKing.png|thumb|left|alt=BURSTING!| BURSTING]]', '[[File:Bursting_chain.png|thumb|left|alt=BURSTING!| HIS CHAIN]]', "*Give '''Tombomb47''' a call right now: '''+1 647-229-8599'''", "*Real name: '''Tomas Tylka'''", "*Date of birth: '''28 March 2006'''", '[[File:tomb_bomb_id.png|thumb|left|alt=Tombomb47 Pedophile and ID leaked LOL!| TOM BOMB Pedophile and ID leaked LOL]]']
|type      = player<!-- The type of article this is. MUST be either admin, player, place, base, event, clan or minigame -->
|image      = Lpmaster.png<!-- An image to be displayed at the top of the infobox, upload the image and name appropriately -->
|ign        = Lpmaster123<!-- The ingame name of a player, use only for exact minecraft account names -->
|alts      = <!-- A list of known alt accounts for a given player -->
|status    = Jailed yet still Active<!-- The current status of something (active player, left, disbanded clan, etc) -->
|joined    = <!-- The date a player first joined the server -->
|clans      = [[Church of Francis]] [[The Techno Union]] [[Brick Brotherhood]]
Bases [[Name Pending]] [[Name_Pending_2]] [[Lp Land]] [[Deepslate Forge]] [[New Ishtar]] [[Borjan]] [[Masteria]] [[Cave Base]] [[Kansas]] [[New World]] [[Solium Alpha]] [[III Kroses]]
[[Eros]]<!-- A list of clans a player or base is known to have been connected to -->

Lpmaster123 is a notable player who joined Sim on the 23 November 2021. After joining The [[Church of Francis]] Eventually he would become one of the groups Priest.Lp would go on to Fight in many cof conflicts including [[The Dominion-Francis Conflict]] and the [[The Wasp War]]
Hash: 4fc1c3b31ed240ef98d9487a9512926c
===The Beginning===
After being introduced to Sim by his irl Friend [[Lobster2337]] Lp would get invited to [[Solium Alpha]].When [[Solium Alpha]] got griefed Lp was blamed Even tho he did not even have power irl most of the day that it was griefed
===Joining The Church Of Francis===
After Leaving [[Solium Alpha]] Lp Would make a base inside a mountain he then would join the [[Church of Francis]]
===The start of Lp Land===
Once Lp got bored of the mountain base he Would ask [[Lord1]] For a portal to safe cords to start A new Base so [[Lord1]] gave him a portal The  base that Lp would build off this portal would Later  Be known as [[Lp Land]]
===Name Pending===
Lp was Invited to The cof Base [[Name_Pending]] By [[Agekka]] there he would build a house and a Tower.It would be at this base Lp would meet players such as [[ChuckFuk]] [[Xexc]] [[f8tal_]] [[Unkn0wnSFR]] [[MrDavid99]] and [[Amakano]].
===The Grief Of Name_Pending===
Name Pending would later be griefed would be griefed by [[TheOnlySlash]] .
===Name Pending 2 /Name still Pending===
After The Grief Of [[Name_Pending]] Lp was invited to the sequel base [[Name_Pending_2]]
===Meeting Mountaindew723===
One day while Lp was online a player named [[Mountaindew723]] was asking if anyone wanted to base with him Lp decided to gear him /world and go to his base where to 2 would make a raid farm.
===The Dominion-Francis Conflict===
After [[TheOnlySlash]] declared war on cof Lp would be one of the brave Francillian warriors to fight in the conflict.
===The Grief Of Name Pending 2/Name Still Pending===
After [[Lord1]] received information that the Name Still Pending cords had been compromised the base was self griefed.
===Cave Base===
After [[Mountaindew723]]s former main base was Leaked by [[Crazynoobliz]] and griefed by [[TheOnlySlash]].Lp along with [[Dacegod863]] And [[Swiggles]] would get invited to his new Base that was made inside of a cave.
===Deepstate Forge===
Lp Would Get invited to the base Deepstate Forge by [[Swiggles]] Lp would mostly just fuck around at this base and use the farms but did help with the construction of the villager hall and the Chappell inside of the base.
[[File:Deepslate Forge Chappell construction.png|500px]]
Lp would get invited to the Techno Union base Borjan By The groups leader Incog at this base Lp would meet such players as [[Oakmarten]] [[Glausthe]] [[KohukeSFR]] and [[crazynoobliz]]
===Lp Land===
After The Grief Lp Would invited most of the members as well as his irl friend SonicJacob,and other Trust worthy players including ItzPalo and Dacegod86. 
===The Grief Of Lp Land===
Tho Lps Great attempt to keep the base secure The base was found because The Base Member Agekka was [[TheOnlySlash]] on a alt unknown to the other members until Lp Land was griefed.
After The Grief Of [[Lp Land]] Lp would form a new base along with [[Unkn0wnSFR]] called [[Masteria]].
[[File:Masteria Banner.png|400px]]
===New Ishtar===
[[ChuckFuk]] would invite Lp to both The [[Brick Brotherhood]] as well as the groups base [[New Ishtar]]
<gallery mode="slideshow">
===The Clover Incident===
The members of [[Deepslate Forge]] would have a internal conflict after [[Pandyex]] Invited some of the groups irl friends without telling the rest of the members causing Swiggles to leave the base and pandy moving all the portals to the bases farms to a different location.This would cause a conflict between [[Pandyex]] [[Moongoat47]] and [[elhoffy]] vs [[Swiggles]] and [[sky1]] Despite not wanting to be involved Lp would be present when cof troops would grief what was left of [[Deepslate Forge]].Feeling Bad for [[Moongoat47]] And [[Elhoffy]] Lp would regear them  and offer to help them set up a new base.
===Meeting Hijax===
After The Clover incident a new player that Remembered about the server from a video made by the YouTuber Fastvincent [[Hijax]] Would join Cof Befriending Lp as well as most of the other members as well as joining the newly formed Kurwa Legion lead by [[ItzPalo]].
===Dogsteve Raid===
After a new group calling them selfs The Church Of Dogsteve joined sim  and  started threatening the security and safety of The [[Church of Francis]].Cof Troops swiftly located the Dogsteve main base griefing it and killing all the present Dogsteve members how ever The Church Of The Dogsteve allied them selfs with the rebel [[Antzakes1]].Who showed up at the base during the cof raid and tried to ambush Lp while he was separated for the rest of the cof forces which led to a long air battle that resulted in no casualties on either side.
[[File:Dogsteve Grief.jpg|700px]]
===Becoming A Priest===
After proving him self in the eyes of [[Lord1]] as well as the other Priest Lp would be made a Priest of cof allowing him to have more influence over cof aswell as getting access to the groups chatbot Robot_Francis.Lp would give a speech at the Lord1 Day celebration thanking his fellow francillans for bestowing this honor on him.
[[File:Lord1 Day 2023 Shaders.png|700px]]
===New World===
After the conflict over [[Deepslate Forge]] [[Swiggles]] [[sky1]] [[Lord1]] and Lp would form the base [[New World]].
===III Kroses===
Hijax would form the base III Kroses Inviting Lp as well as [[ItzPalo]] [[SonicJacob]] and [[Glausthe]] but also later inviting Egnaroky a known ally of the rebel [[Antzakes1]] but more on this later.
===Danimania Grief===
After the group [[Team Nova]] got jailed for using the bee exploit to find zsedTopia Danimania's main base was Leaked so Lp along with the other cof forces griefed the base.
[[File:Dani Raid Group Screenshot.png|700px]]
===The Spyjax incident===
After being warned about a Disciple attempting to inside The Church by a anonymous source and later receiving evidence it was [[Hijax]] As well as Him inviting known Cof Rebel [[Egnaroky]] to [[III Kroses]] despite [[Lord1]] and Lp warning him not to. The final straw that broke the camels back was during the grief of the ally base [[Konogla]] by [[Antzakes1]] and The [[Wasp Coalition]]. [[Hijax]] started to act sus doing stuff like spamming Cof chats trying to distract/delay Cof troops from arriving at the base even straight up saying "I make a Great Distraction".It was at this point the priests made the choice to kick [[Hijax]] from The Church. After getting [[Hijax]] to believe he was going to get back into the Church by a meeting at [[Name_Pending_2]] he was then killed in a portal trap [[Hijax]] believed was ment for [[OxT]]. Cof troops then proceeded to grief all of his old bases attached to [[Hijax]]'s Hidden portal hub that was located by Lp after he noticed that [[Hijax]] would magically appear at bases without using spawn portals.Trying to salvage the situation [[Hijax]] Called upon [[Antzakes1]] and The [[Wasp Coalition]] for help aswell as regearing himself joining the following
battle on The [[Wasp Coalition]] side before getting killed by Lp in mid air while trying to pvp log.
[[File:Hijax Portal Hub Raid Group Screenshot.png|700px]]
[[File:Hijax pvp Loging.jpg|700px]]
==The Wasp War==
After [[Hijax]] was outed from The [[Church of Francis]] the following conflict between the Church and the newly formed [[Wasp Coalition]]
would be later known as [[The Wasp War]].Lp would once again fight on the Church's side but with his newly gained role of Priest he would play a pivotal role in fighting on the Cof side.Around this time Lp would join two new bases the new [[Brick Brotherhood]] base [[Eros]] along with his irl friend [[SonicJacob]] after [[Hijax]]s leak of the former BB base [[New Ishtar]].
<gallery mode="slideshow">
Eros Group ss.png|Lp with some of the members of Eros
Aswell as a new base with [[Swiggles]] ,[[sky1]] and [[Lord1]] called [[New World]] it was envisioned
as a futuristic industrial base.
<gallery mode="slideshow">
New World Portal hub.png|
New World Portal hub side view.png|
New World TradingHall.png|

Latest revision as of 06:05, 8 July 2024

['== Overview ==', '

', '

', "*Give Tombomb47 a call right now: +1 647-229-8599", "*Real name: Tomas Tylka", "*Date of birth: 28 March 2006", '

File:Tomb bomb id.png
TOM BOMB Pedophile and ID leaked LOL


Hash: 4fc1c3b31ed240ef98d9487a9512926c