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Name: MOB
In-game name: MOB_SEVEN
Alts: <none>
Status: Active
First joined: 2013
Last seen:
Members: {{{members}}}
Bases: MOB_SEVEN Castle
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Stolen water is sweet

MOB_SEVEN showed up sometime around 2013, looking for a server with something different, something that wasn't over run by little kids with retarded care-bear pokemon faggotry. Upon landing at spawn, MOB thought this was another abandoned server by the looks of spawn at the time. sooner than later another new comer came online and MOB went with them to create a base. A couple days later MOB came back on to find a nice tree base completed and loaded with supplies. This was the moment he realized, On SimPvp you don't have to work to get stuff. His new partner upon learning that MOB was a dirty thief, He slew him on the spot. Back at spawn, MOB quickly ran back to the base to get his stuff (Stolen Stuff) only to have his now Ex-Partner meet him half way to slay him again. Butthurt and frustrated with dying, he logged off. After cursing other servers and running into the same issues mentioned above(The Faggotry), he came back. MOB became a spawn rat and began asking questions about the server to the users that were online. "Where the fuck is everyone?" In those days there would be anywhere from 5 to 10 people online. Eventually, a Veteran player who took pity and told MOB that SimPvP players are far, far, away from spawn. This player went on to inform MOB that there are "abandoned bases everywhere" with "Countless riches waiting to be found" and this player went on to say that there's a forum and that MOB should go there to get some info on people's bases.

Fooling Lyser

Now determined to survive without working for it MOB started digging into threads in the forum. He came across the fact that almost everyone except OdinFire (Lyser's lover) hated him. So MOB crafted a plan. Since Lyser is hard up for friends, maybe I could convince him to give me the coords to a base or two with the intent getting free stuff to get on my journey to find these abandon bases. After approaching Lyser on the forum with a PM asking to join his dumb gang, Lyser accepted. MOB logged on and met up with Lyser in /World and they made a deal. Lyser would fund MOB's journey to m0rlock's castle with the understanding that if MOB found the castle with the supplied Coords, he would turn over the exact location to lyser and touch nothing until lyser had arrived to exact his supposed "revenge". The Price for said journey? Lyser agreed to full Iron armor, 2 stacks of food, 1 stack of torches, Iron sword, Iron PickAx, and 2 stacks of TnT. Upon the finalization of the deal Lyser asked "Why 2 stacks of TnT?" MOB told him that's the price of the journey. Either way Lyser fell for it and MOB took off on his journey to find the relics of SimPvP. A week later Lyser contacted MOB asking for a progress update, MOB told him "I found a diamond block!" Lyser then told MOB since he/She(Does anyone really know?) funded the expedition his clan is entitled to the profits of the journey. MOB agreed to Meet in /World for the Transfer. What Lyser didn't know was that MOB had placed all valuables in an Ender chest at Snowfrogs base and made His spawn there. MOB placed 2 TNT, blocks of dirt, and a button in his inventory and rushed to the "secret MCMAFIA" Base in world where he rigged up a trap for lyser. Upon meeting with MOB at the base in /World MOB told Lyser that the Diamond block was in a chest in one of the rooms. When Lyser went into the chest MOB sprung the trap and destroyed the room, Lyser, and Himself in the process. Lyser now furious, immediately labeled MOB and enemy of the gang and excommunicated him from the group.

Adventures From A Life Of Stealing

After leaving Snowfrogs MOB set out on his journey keenly paying attention for signs of player life. He Carefully studied the land formations looking for all tell tale signs that an underground base could be near. After sometime of being a nomad with a little luck he found a motherload base underground. Long gone were the inhabitants (At least they were after MOB popped their beds LOL) the treasures found in this base were countless too much for just one person. MOB began gifting this seemingly infinite amount of resources to new players that would beg at spawn. Even after the days of charity had passed, the resources were still boundless. After setting up shop in this base MOB found himself bored sitting on all this treasure. He set out again to find another land mark/base. What MOB found was surprising, a whole other base was connected by minecart to the first mother load. As MOB traveled down the Railway he came to the next mysterious base. This Base had belonged to at least one identifiable person "DDrDross". DDrDross was never seen or heard from during the occupation of this new base. After some time of exploring and having everything a player could want in Mincraft, MOB felt that while he loved all the stolen loot, he need to leave his mark on SimPvP.

MOB_SEVEN Castle Is Founded

With all of the resources at his disposal, MOB decided to build a monument, a statement, something to show the rest of the new comers of SimPvP that he was there at some point. After finding a suitable location to build he began building all alone. Most nights of building consisted of heavy drinking and smoking. But after sometime the castle was able to be lived in with all the standard amenities. A farm, Storage room, A spire with a room for his bed. Construction had ceased for a time, and MOB decided to invite his Brother to manage the Castle and all the treasure that was associated with it. Scott_Bradford proved to be quite the manager. He built a spire room for himself and began assessing the needs of the castle. We needed a perimeter, so Scott built the Walls outside of MOB_SEVEN castle. MOB continued to build the castle and create other rooms and sections in case a visitor choose to take up residence. The treasures or the castle were never keep onsite and will always remain a mystery to non Blood members.

The Proximity Wars