Sim Peace Prize

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Simpvp peace prize of Simpvp peace prize
Name: Simpvp peace prize of Simpvp peace prize
In-game name:
Status: Operational
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: January 31st 2023
Members: Hijax, Willowienal

Basic Information

The SimPvP Peace Prize group holds a ceremony for the month winner of the SPP, at the end of each month the working members of the group give the winning player a hand written book and a secret prize for the on going efforts to help the server with peace.

How To Win

Throughout the month players will be nominated by SPP Members or by other players, At the end of the month many votes will be held to see who gets the coveted SimPvP Peace Prize.

Votes will be held during a 24-hour Google Form session (Link sent to all players in game and in all public discord servers.). All nominees' names will be in the Form, if it results in a tie, there will be a recount.

1st Award

On December 31st 2022, Hijax would receive the first Sim Peace Prize, for his efforts of helping the massive Church Of Francis with there military duties and his on going efforts to help new players.

1st Award Nominees

None :skull:

2nd Award

On January 31st, 2023 Zsed12 would receive the 2nd SPP and the first to a nonworking member, this is a huge accomplishment within the community, he received this for his free banners in /world and for keeping Zsedtopia peaceful.

2nd Award Nominees



3nd Award

Not won yet.

3rd Award Nominees

The Clover Group - (Moongoat47, elhoffo2, LightBlueGinger, PandyEx.)
