
From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 21:27, 7 August 2023 by Theotherhades1 (talk | contribs)
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Name: {{{name}}}
In-game name: theotherhades
Alts: {{{alts}}}
Status: active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: March 4th 2023
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: New Zealand
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: TSCOT, Saisei (Former)
Bases: Initium Novum
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Theotherhades is a player who joined on March 4th 2023. He was formerly allied to Nexus and The Supreme Cult Of Tem, and is now a member of the latter. He likes xraying for main bases and shift portals. He is known for being the founder and leader of the Church of Francis.

begin larp section

The beginning

Theotherhades joined Sim on the 5th of March 2023 after seeing the fastvincent video. He mostly did nothing for the first few days, surviving off fish he beat to death and roaming spawn with his shitty iron gear. Soon, LightBlueGinger, (who had been friendly and talked with him in msgs prior), gave him a kit as a gift.

He spent some time around spawn until he began talking with Boxtell, who was at the time running the North Nether Highway with jambhala, with the goal of setting up a base at 1mil overworld. He eventually agreed to join them and began running down the highway to catch up. This continued for about a week until he had reached 50k nether and tragedy struck: Box, who was at the end of the highway extending it, got a little sneaky and xrayed a piece of netherite, which Laztec promptly jailed him for. With jambhala going inactive, Hades gave up on the original goal and instead created 50k tempbase, an uninspiring skybase a few hundred blocks away from the overworld equivalent of the 50k portal.

LightBlueGinger, Nexus, and the traitor

After their base was griefed, LightBlueGinger asked if they could move into 50k tempbase and Hades quickly accepted as a thank-you for the gear Ginger had given him, and despite LBG's warning that it would make him a rebel in the eyes of the Church of Francis. Through LBG, Hades became acquainted with Nexus members and other rebels, most notably Hijax and OxTxXTXxTxO. He became an elite ally of both Nexus and TSCOT and was invited to a Nexus base, Valor.

During this time, Hades would invite a friendly new player, S1ngul4rity, to the base, but tragedy struck a while later when he leaked the coords to the Church who blew it, and other player builds in the area, up with tnt.

After this, he began a basic portal hub which had links to Yittrium, Wilburia, Valleria I, and Valor, among others. The portal to Valor, however, was not concealed, which turned out to be a mistake as someone at the base (most likely whos_who leaked it to CoF, which resulted in the grief of all the "rebel" bases linked to it. The grief can be seen in this Lard1 video:


Before the Valor grief, Hades (alongside Death_Tr00per) joined Saisei after messing around in /world with Bluebolt015 and Tombomb47. He would go on to join their base, Hamadale, and help Death test farms at his solobase. After the grief, Hijax merged Nexus into TSCOT (sidenote i totally predicted this before it happened when hijax teased something big was going to happen in announcements) and not wanting to be left out, Hades applied to join. OxT let him in on the condition that he shares the coords to Hamadale with him, and being the idiot he is, Hades happily obliged.

Surprise surprise, OxT, Hijax, Gerbbb, PastChicken, and Laztec (he didnt really grief but he showed up to take some screenshots with TSCOT beforehand) showed up to grief Hamadale because OxT's dumbass thought Saisei was allied to CoF (technically they were but i'm not getting into that rabbithole). This resulted in Hades leaving Saisei and Tom become a hardline CoF dickrider. August, a Saisei member, joined TSCOT soon after as he was frustrated with Blue not sharing coords to the new base, however Antzakes severed his alliance with them after finding out about the grief because "it was cringe" (which is true tbh).