Topic on Simplicitypvp:General

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I think this is a great idea Yukarion. However, I think keeping this idea strictly to the overworld and end chunks will be the best option in the long run.

Many players, including myself, like to basehunt so allowing this fix to affect nether trails is a bit much. Considering that most players don't go past the overworld world border coords in the nether, I do not think taking one of the biggest and well known features, that being it's expansive nether full of old and historic bases, away from us as a player base is a good option. I understand that we need to fix our disk usage problem, but most of that is coming from massive overworld / end journeys. In my opinion, applying that to only the overworld and end would allow base hunters the freedom to basehunt and free Sim of its disk usage problem.

Although this change will affect basehunters negatively, because of overworld changes, I think this is possibly the best avenue for us to continue down. Sim is composed of many other types of players with varying degrees of playstyles, so it is unacceptable that I ask for no change at all, in order to benefit the minority. The proposed changes I have made however, will allow for basehunters and other Sim players to coexist. We can't have our cake and eat it too.