Topic on Simplicitypvp:General

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Something to consider regarding the 18 euros/month is that doing that would make a proper hardware upgrade over what we currently have less financially feasible.

The way I see it we have 3 real options with variables of them.

1. is to delete terrain outright based on age of the region file and time inhabited and create a plugin that does that automatically in the future.

2. is to only do the plugin (I'll explain why this is hard in a second)

3. is to upgrade the server and do 1 of the first two options when the need arises in the future.

I'll go on record saying I support a hybrid of the first two before I explain my position on why option 2 on its own won't work or option 3.

We're close enough to running out of space that there's a very realistic chance of us capping out on it even with a plugin running to slow the map's growth. It's why I think some level of option 1 needs to be included with it.

Option 3 + option 2 is a legitimate option as well as option 1 + 2 but as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, if we wanted to ever upgrade the actual hardware along with adding file space it would result in us probably not being able to do so. On top of that, we don't really have any donation system set up and there are complex tax laws to adhere to regarding doing something like that.

Realistically I think it's going to be 1+2 or 2+3. No single option on its own is a complete resolution to the issue.