So, you're new on SimPvP

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First of all, welcome! SimPvP is one of the oldest Minecraft servers out there (being younger than 2b2t by only a month or two), and has a rich history which you can explore in depth on this wiki. This article is a sort of guide, or introduction, aimed at teaching new players about the unique plugins available on the server, such as the PvP world, shift portals, and more. So, let's dive in.

PvP world

The PvP world, often referred to as "/world" or "world", is a separate 1000x1000 world that can be accessed from anywhere within the overworld with the /world command, which teleports you to a random position there. Because of its small size, world is ideal for meeting up with other players without having to travel massive distances, making it a handy place to conduct trades and practive PvP. It was originally intended to solve the world border dispute, which you can read about on the Server History page.

/pvplist and /pvplist subscribe

/pvplist and /pvplist subscribe are two useful commands related to the PvP world that you should know. /pvplist shows you all the players in world at the time you use it, while /pvplist subscribe sends you a message whenever someone enters or leaves world, making it a useful way to see who is there in real time.

Shift portals

Shift portals are a unique plugin on Sim which will almost definitely come in handy for you. They allow you to travel any distance instantly by setting up a portal in between one location and another. To create one, build a 10 block obsidian frame, with a two block space in the center to stand in, and place a diamond block in the top space and a lapis lazuli block in the bottom space. If the lapis and diamond blocks disappear, you've done it right and the portal is waiting to be linked. Now, travel to your destination without dying and repeat this process, and you should be able to crouch (or "shift") in one of the portals to be teleported to the other. You can break any of the obsidian blocks to disable both of the portals. For more information, you should read Portals.

(article not finished)