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Vallaryn Main 01.png
Name: Vallaryn
In-game name: {{{ign}}}
Alts: {{{alts}}}
Status: Inactive
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: {{{joined}}}
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: January 2017
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: morl0ck, LegendaryArtz, Dakkadok, jayaypiel, suit1337, indy64, el_andres96
Clans: {{{clans}}}
Bases: {{{bases}}}

A base started by morl0ck in January of 2017, just after the 1.11.2 update. Vallaryn is an open ended, free-for-all type of base, with loosely connected projects being contributed to by multiple different players.

Infrastructure & Buildings

Central Hub

End Farm

Storage Area & Item Sorter

Dakkadok's Sandstone Palace

Dakkadok's Sandstone Palace was the first major player build in Vallaryn. It sits at the peak of the mountains overlooking the main central hub area.

The House of the Dying Sun

Shortly after, indy64 begin construction on "The House of the Dying Sun", a library built to house the servers history and player written literature.