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also ill add images soon ig
also ill add images soon ig

one final note: this is not finished, i plan to add more minor events in soon but i really dont care about adding them at this moment

On December 27th, I (OxTxXTXxTxO) joined SimPvP alongside some of my friends, notably Papyrus839_, SupJOnline, PastChicken6240 and Ghostblender.
On December 27th, I (OxTxXTXxTxO) joined SimPvP alongside some of my friends, notably Papyrus839_, SupJOnline, PastChicken6240 and Ghostblender.
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though, as I was its only active member.
though, as I was its only active member.

Due to needing more bases, I travelled to the world border to create Excabor, inviting Hijax Gerbbb Past and sup there. The base expanded incredibly fast, becoming a large-scale base in only 40 days, however it was also griefed in 40 days due to gerbbb somehow being so
Due to needing more bases, I travelled to the world border to create Excabor, inviting Hijax Gerbbb Past and sup there. The base expanded incredibly fast, becoming a large-scale base in only 40 days. Hades contacted me at this time, requesting to join TSCOT, I gave him the offer that if he gave us access to Saisei's main base, he could join. I griefed Hamadale shortly after this with the help of TSCOT members and Gerbbb. We griefed it as we beleived Saisei (the base's owners) were CoF allys due to August misinforming us about an alliance. We fully realised our flaw after griefing the base but there was not much that could be done about it. Almost as a consequence for the griefing of Hamadale, Excabor was griefed not too shortly after as Gerbbb accidentally leaked the coordinates in a voice call.
unbeleivably stupid that he streamed the coordinates of the base in a public vc. CoF greifed the base shortly after obtaining the coordinates. Somehow swiggles failed to pearl trap us and i logged on disabling the pearls, before he could attempt killing us. Before leaving i made a few portals
to the world border hidden around excabor and then headed back to metropolis. Hades contacted me at this time, requesting to join TSCOT, I gave him the offer that if he gave us access to Saiseis main base, he could join.
I griefed Hamadale shortly after this with the help of TSCOT members and Gerbbb. We griefed it as we beleived Saisei (the base's owners) were CoF allys due to August misinforming us about an alliance. We fully realised our flaw after griefing the base but there was not much that could be done about it.  

Initium Novum is a base founded by me after an influx of new TSCOT members. I created it as a temporary base for the new members to stay at whilst they awaited the creation of a futher out base. However, the base grew quickly into a small community, with the base splitting  
Initium Novum is a base founded by me after an influx of new TSCOT members. I created it as a temporary base for the new members to stay at whilst they awaited the creation of a futher out base. However, the base grew quickly into a small community, with the base splitting into two different groups: "Initium Novum" and "Dead Flag". I personally do not understand the reasoning behind this however I involved myself either way, joining the Initium Novum side as I preferred the name. Some irrelevant stuff occurred with Hijax trying to rename the base to Dead Flag. I held a vote expecting Initium Novum to win but to my surprise it did not, with Dead Flag winning by 2 votes. I informed Hijax of how stupid the name sounded and requested he change it to something more suitable and fitting for the base. Hijax chose Cascadia, and I accepted the name.
into two different groups: "Initium Novum" and "Dead Flag". I personally do not understand the reasoning behind this however i involved myself either way, joining the Initium Novum side as I preferred the name. Some irrelevent stuff occured
with Hijax trying to rename the base to Dead Flag. I held a vote expecting Initium Novum to win but to my suprise it did not, with Dead Flag winning by 2 votes. I informed Hijax of how stupid the name sounded and requested he change it to something more suitable and
fitting for the base Hijax chose Cascadia, and I accepted the name.

I became more inactive over this time, as Past and SupJ's daily average dropped by alot.
I became more inactive over this time, as Past and SupJ's daily average dropped by alot.

Revision as of 05:30, 1 September 2023

File:Tscot ox.png
In-game name: {{{ign}}}
Sovereign Of TSCOT
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined:
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
The Supreme Cult Of Tem,
Nexus ( Former ),
Church Of Francis (Former) (NoNamedLoser)
Otherworld Citadel,
NoNamedLoser Mountain,
The Garden,
Mercator Sanctuarium,
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

” Dont take anything I say in public chat too seriously. ”


Basic Information

OxTxXTXxTxO is a player that joined on the 27th of December 2022, founding the group The Supreme Cult Of Tem along with Papyrus839_. He is currently the leader of said group and is very active on SimPvP.


I rewrote this on a few hours of sleep, expect inaccuracies and mistakes. Ill fix it and correct mistakes when I can be bothered. also ill add images soon ig

one final note: this is not finished, i plan to add more minor events in soon but i really dont care about adding them at this moment

On December 27th, I (OxTxXTXxTxO) joined SimPvP alongside some of my friends, notably Papyrus839_, SupJOnline, PastChicken6240 and Ghostblender. Papyrus and I joined before the others, though we knew they would join later that day. Due to there being a moderately large amount of us, we decided to found a group going under the name The Supreme Cult of Tem, referred to commonly as "TSCOT".

Originally, all TSCOT members wanted was to build, with goals to be peaceful and only fight people when absolutely necessary.

This quickly changed.

In /world with papyrus and ghostblender, I was attacked without reason by Church of Francis member swiggles. Immediately I regeared, and attempted to fight swiggles with Ghost and Papyrus. We didnt win, though there were no more casualties on either side. From that day on, we made it our goal to kill as many church of francis members in retaliation. Within the next month, we had killed around 5-7 CoF members despite not being skilled at PvP at the time. All this fighting lead to an alliance (now ended) with Antzakes1.

Despite it not being true, the Church have claimed before that this former alliance with antz is their reasoning to fight us, though the alliance only came after we begun fighting.

After, new TSCOT members would join, being Olly_8_Skillz, GabeVK, TTVDkShadow. Seeing all the new members join, I realised this as the perfect chance to start brewing up an attempt to inside the Church. A few days before the account joined Sim, NoNamedLoser was created. NNL would be "welcomed" into TSCOT and after a week of it afking at their base, TSCOT would "kick" NNL for "being annoying around the base and generally not contributing much to the group". This setup was created in an attempt to lure any TSCOT dislikers to being fond of NNL, as the account "hated" TSCOT after being kicked.

Suddenly though , to the surprise of all TSCOT members especially me recently after the NNL "kicking", Papyrus turned on us after 2 long months of fighting and helping the group. Papyrus would quit "peacefully", donating me the entireity of his ender chest. However this "peacefull" exit to the server very quickly became hostile. Papyrus would leak his section of the TSCOT main base, luckily his area had not been built up yet and SupJOnline was able to sever all portal connections from his location to the others. Whilst this was going on, Past, Antzakes and I were fighting Ghostblender in world for beleif he was involved in the leaking.

Ghostblender planned to quit at the same time as papyrus, making us suspicious of him potentially being involved in leaking the base.

Due to a location near our section of the base being leaked, Past Sup and I (the only remaining TSCOT members) swiftly transported our entire storage into a hole around 600k~ out from spawn. This was where we all nearly quit. After effectively giving up all that we had built, there was not much reason to play. /world was unsafe due to the Church still disliking us and we were low on materials, no villagers, a hole full of shulkers was all we had to our name. However, I pushed on, convincing past and sup to stay more active and traveled out to a futher location to build safely, thus creating: Metropolis.

Metropolis is the longest standing TSCOT base, and has remained mostly the same to this day due to the members focusing more on other bases. Eventually, it is planned to be a large megacity, though for now it is simply a farm base with a storage.

Despite the creation of Metropolis, the remaining TSCOT members and I gradually became more and more inactive with us not having much reason to play the server anymore. In a futile attempt to become more active, I invited ooftopilis, DarkLukiBoi and TTVDkShadow to our base. Luckily though, Past became more active without any help from me causing me to be more active due to him motivating me to play.

We fought cof some more in world after inviting them, which is irrelevant however one day, Antzakes and I were fighting Glausthe in /world when he dropped something unexpected. A lodestone compass. Quickly, I pulled out a shulker and antz stored it to prevent it being updated.

I still have this Lodestone to this day, despite Glausthe destroying the lodestone it works due to it never being taken out of the shulker.

After lots of begging antz finally handed the shulker box over to me and with his help triangulating I travelled to the base. It was much further out than expected being 27m Z and around 3.5m X. The flight took me around 1 week, as I travelled off of Yittrium (Around 15m Z). The base took us around 1hr to grief, due to its size and amount of portals. Not much was at the base excluding some obsidian shulkers that SupJ was able to move to Metropolis after the grief. For some reason around this time, Past and I became enemies of sav5, im still not sure why but we fought a few times.

NoNamedLoser was kicked from the Church around thsi time due to Papyrus leaking even more TSCOT info to the public. The church claim it was an "operation" and they "knew anyway" ect ect, but thats a lie. Papyrus sent the message in CoF general chat and it was delted shortly after. This resulted in us abandoning NNL's base: NNL mountain. Pastchicken created the alt account, S1ngul4rity, in an attempt to reinside the Church after the recent NoNamedLoser incident. This suprisingly worked with Past and I doing something we very quickly came to regret. S1n was invited to a base with people that (at the time) were not affiliated with TSCOT, those people being LightBlueGinger and theotherhades. Within a day of being there S1n leaked the base to the church and was welcomed in. The account quickly became inactive and we stopped caring about insiding the church.

Recently we apologised to hades and ginger about the incident, and they were completly fine with it understanding our desicion.

Hijax was ordered to begin operation Serpent around or after this time, in an attempt to spy on Antzakes and later on during the operation, me. To my knowledge no important info was gained from this, and it was simply a set up to get hijax kicked from the church. Shockingly Hijax was kicked from the church under suspicion of being a "double agent", working for me/TSCOT to spy on CoF.

This was in no way true. Hijax and I had no affiliation with eachother since after he was kicked 

Hijax was later asked to come to a meeting with the church to discuss his accusations however it was simply a setup to get me killed. It did not work, past antz and I arrived earlier than the francillians with the coordinates hijax had "gifted us" with. We went back through and waited on the other side. After around 30 minutes, Hijax was killed by swiggles for "warning me about the trap" (he didnt, bro wanted me dead so bad back then) Lord1 came to spawn from the portal and fought the 3 of us, though we were quickly overwhelmed as more and more CoF members arrived through the portal. We ran to spawn out numbered and due to past being out of fireworks we remained there for a while. A day later, Hijax asked TSCOT for help despite the stuff he had tried to pull on us. Out of pity we accepted his offer and came to the base CoF was about to grief with Antzakes there with us.

Im not sure if this was on the same day as the assination so I put it as a day after.

The following fight went on for over 2 hours. Past and I arrived at "Hole base" with Antzakes trailing behind. Though it looked like no CoF members were there, they were. Past made the mistake of landing on the ground, thinking he was completly safe when suddnely swiggles pearled over to him, popping him twice as he flew away to saftey When the fight broke out, we were at an immediate disadvantage with it being a 6(+?)v3. We also had the burden of trying to keep Hijax alive as he could not fend for himself. Around 30 minutes of fighting occured at Hole base, with there being no casualties and us managing to fight the francillians off decently considering the disadvantage we were at. During the fight i managed to get LpMaster123's logout spot, though i was unable to trap him succsesfully due to being 1 block off from where he logged back in. After this, the fight entered /world with Gerbbb and Flipp3r7 joining us to fight. Bruno_vera also joined to help the francillians fight against us. The fight went around for 1hr swapping between elytra and water based pvp over and over. At the end of the hour, nearly completely deplted of materials i decided to land and fight with the little materials i had left, however it was at this time that the Church left /world making it seem like a rather easy TSCOT win. Though, upon leaving /world Pastchicken found out the hard way that it was bait, being /world trapped and killed near instantly after leaving. Retreating back to Metropolis with our first major loss past and I considered our future options, not sure what to do from then onwards.

With nothing left due to being kicked from CoF, Hijax founded Nexus and requested TSCOT become an ally of it. We did, and I was invited to Terminus, Nexus' capital by Hijax. Not much was built there, we dug a hole for some reason i cant remember, and i helped cover some island with netherrack for Hijax. From Terminus I stole a Pufferfish alongside some terracotta. This pufferfish was incredibly important to me, it being the only pufferfish to have ever popped hijax (at the time) the moment it was put in jail i stole it and name it fittingly "thatonepufferfishthatpoppedhijaxthatonetime"

Hijax claims i stole a "fake" pufferfish, but its clear its the real thing as he copes about it atleast once a week.

Nexus quickly failed which was unfortunate, the group had great potential though all of its leading members had to go inactive for the summer resulting in Hijax requesting Nexus merge into TSCOT. I accepted the offer, gaining TSCOT 4~ new members and a new base, terminus. We quikcly abandoned Terminus though, as I was its only active member.

Due to needing more bases, I travelled to the world border to create Excabor, inviting Hijax Gerbbb Past and sup there. The base expanded incredibly fast, becoming a large-scale base in only 40 days. Hades contacted me at this time, requesting to join TSCOT, I gave him the offer that if he gave us access to Saisei's main base, he could join. I griefed Hamadale shortly after this with the help of TSCOT members and Gerbbb. We griefed it as we beleived Saisei (the base's owners) were CoF allys due to August misinforming us about an alliance. We fully realised our flaw after griefing the base but there was not much that could be done about it. Almost as a consequence for the griefing of Hamadale, Excabor was griefed not too shortly after as Gerbbb accidentally leaked the coordinates in a voice call.

Initium Novum is a base founded by me after an influx of new TSCOT members. I created it as a temporary base for the new members to stay at whilst they awaited the creation of a futher out base. However, the base grew quickly into a small community, with the base splitting into two different groups: "Initium Novum" and "Dead Flag". I personally do not understand the reasoning behind this however I involved myself either way, joining the Initium Novum side as I preferred the name. Some irrelevant stuff occurred with Hijax trying to rename the base to Dead Flag. I held a vote expecting Initium Novum to win but to my surprise it did not, with Dead Flag winning by 2 votes. I informed Hijax of how stupid the name sounded and requested he change it to something more suitable and fitting for the base. Hijax chose Cascadia, and I accepted the name.

I became more inactive over this time, as Past and SupJ's daily average dropped by alot.

Ghostblender would attempt to return to sim for his 3rd(?) time, asking me if he can rejoin TSCOT again and explianing that he never had hostile intentions when papyrus leaked and that he was not involved in anyway. After some consideration, I welcomed him back to TSCOT and invited him to my recently founded base Mercator Sanctuarium with Past coming to the base shortly after.

Some time after this I apolgised on behalf of TSCOT to Saisei for the griefing of Hamadale, as we all decided we should take TSCOT down its originally intended peacefully path.

As of writing this, I have played on sim for 764.9 hours for an average of 3.08 hours per day. None of this time is AFK, and i have been very busy during my time on sim as proven by the the text above.


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