Ton's Guide to Create Events

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In this I will be discussing how to create an event from a technical point of view. Note: this guide uses command blocks that are configured to run all the commands necessary for the event to make the admins lives easier.

Once you have built the physical event, I suggest building some sort of control room for the Admin to go be in during the event.

  1. Build a spawn or entrance room for people when the first join the event.

    Team Event:
    1. In your spawn room, select areas for people to join the event.
      These should be 3x3 areas obviously separated.
      Under the center of the 3x3s, you want to place 2 command blocks facing down.

      1. The top command block should be:
        team join Team @a[dx=-1,y=Y-level of team join platform,dz=-1]
        This command block adds players on top of it to the team they want to join
        This command block should be Repeat, Unconditional, and Always Active

      2. The bottom command block should be:
        tag a[dx=-1,y=Y-level of team join platform,dz=-1] add event
        This command block adds players on top of it to the event tag, which makes some logistics easier.
        This command block should be Repeat, Conditional, and Always Active

    Solo Event:
    1. Under the spawn block of your event, place a command block.
    2. This command block should be:
      tag a[dx=-1,y=Y-level of event platform,dz=-1] add event
      This command block adds players on top of it to the event tag, which makes some logistics easier.
      This command block should be Repeat, Unconditional, and Always Active

  2. Now you need to build a control room/area for the admin to run the event.
    You will need room for 4 buttons and a lever with space in between.
    There should be a large area for the command blocks to stay, preferably out of sight.

  3. Command Block 1:
    eventset x=coord y=coord z=coord world=name.
    This sets the place where people end up when they do /event
    This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone
    This command block should be powered by its own button.

    1. If you want to have a respawning team event, the following Command Blocks must be included:

    2. Command Block 1:
      eventset x=coord y=coord z=coord world=name team=Team 1
      This set the respawn point for Team 1
      This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone
      This command block should be included in the Start Event Sequence.

  4. Command Block 2:
    ea true Event Name
    This opens the event and announces it in chat
    This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone
    This command block should be powered by its own button.

  5. Command Block 3:
    gamemode adventure @a[tag=event]
    This makes sure all of the players in the event stay in adventure mode (or whatever gamemode is desired for the event)
    This command block should be Repeat, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone
    This command block should be powered by a lever so it is only on when the event is in progress.

  6. The next button controls a string of command blocks:
    1. The first set of command blocks should be:
      Team Event
      1. Command Block 1:
        tp @a[team=Team 1] x y z
        This command teleports the 1st team to their area.
        This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

      2. Command Block 2
        tp @a[team=Team 2] x y z
        This command teleports the 1st team to their area.
        This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

      Solo Event
      1. Solo Events with one spawn:
        tp @a[tag=event] x y z
        This command teleports all players in the event to one location.
        This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

      2. Solo Events with spread players:
        spreadplayers Center X Center Z Min Distance Between Target Max Distance Between Targets false @a[tag=event]
        This command spreads the players randomly around the map based on certain predefined settings.
        This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

    2. The second set of command blocks should be:
      give @a[tag=event] item
      This command give all players in the event certain items.
      This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone
      Note: You will need 1 command block for every different item you want to give to the players.

    3. The last command block in this string closes the event so no one can join mid event:
      ea false
      This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

  7. The next command block string is again all powered by one button:
    1. Command Block 1:
      This command ends the event, clears the players inventory, and returns them to the normal world.
      This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

    2. Command Block 2:
      tag @a[tag=event] remove event
      This command removes the event tag from everyone.
      This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

    3. Command Block 3:
      team leave @a
      This command removes all players from any team.
      This command block should be Impulse, Unconditional, and Triggered by Redstone

If you have any other questions fell free to contact me on the Forum, Discord, or In-Game