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Revision as of 17:37, 8 August 2023 by Cockcockcock (talk | contribs)
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File:Tscot ox.png
In-game name: {{{ign}}}
Sovereign Of TSCOT
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined:
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
The Supreme Cult Of Tem,
Nexus ( Former ),
Church Of Francis (Former) (NoNamedLoser)
Otherworld Citadel,
NoNamedLoser Mountain,
The Garden
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

” Dont take anthing I say in public chat too seriously. ”


Basc Information

OxTxXTXxTxO is a player that joined on the 27th of Deceber 2022, founding the group The Supreme Cult Of Tem along with Papyrus839_ He is currently the leader of said group and is very active on SimPvP


The Beginning

OxTxXTXxTxO would jon the serer on the 27th of December 2022 along with his friend Papyrus839_ and they would form a team going under the name The Supreme Cult Of Tem

OxTxXTXxTxO would contribute lots to this group, and was made lader over the team with Papyrus839_ in second command
A little later, OxTxXTXxTxO would invite some of his IRL friends to play SimPvP, those players consisting of : SupJOnline, PastChicken6240, Ghostblender, Olly_8_Skillz, TTVDkShadow, and GabeVK.
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OxTxXTXxTxO and TSCOT would go onto build a base a couple hundred-thousand blcks away from spawn, where they settled down for a while. Unfortunately, in a shocking turn of events Papyrus839_ would turn on hem and leak the base's coordinates, forcing the other TSCOT members to evacuate all valuables and break all portal connetions around the base.
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Post Evacuation

After evacating the base and killing Papyrus839_, OxTxXTXxTxO and the remaining TSCOT members (Ghostblender would betray along side Papyrus839_) were left in a hole in the ground with shulkers laid out everywhere, too many items to reasnably sort after it was taken out of its storage system. Due to what he had lost, OxTxXTXxTxO would be come rather inactive, not playing very often at all. However eventually OxTxXTXxTxO would regain interest in SimPvP, and worked on a new base with SupJOnline and PastChicken6240 (the final 2 TSCOT members at the time).

After moving base, OxTxXTXxTxO would invite some of his irl friends to join SimPvP, and DarkLukiBoi and Ooftropilis would join Sim, with TTVDkShadow re-joining after a long time of inactivity. This lead to OxTxXTXxTxO becoming more active as his base was much more lively, and PastChicken6240 and SupJOnline would become more active as well.

Unfortunately for OxTxXTXxTxO, Papyrus839_ would strike again and leak his spy account : NoNamedLoser, causing it to be kiced from The Church Of Francis and killed.
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The Nexus Aliance

After HijaxV2 was kicked from The Church Of Francis for suspicion that he was a TSCOT spy, OxTxXTXxTxO would be invited to join his new group, "Nexus". OxTxXTXxTxO accepted gladly, and was now a high ranking member of Nexus and the Sovereign of TSCOT. He would be invited to help build at Nexus' capital, Terminus and later on it was agreed to make NoNamedLoser Mountain a shared base between Nexus and TSCOT as a meeting ground, as it was serving no purpose to TSCOT.

Nexus Merge

After the Nexus TSCOT alliance was made, HijaxV2 and OxTxXTXxTxO decided to erge Nexus into TSCOT, resulting in OxTxXTXxTxO taking ownership of the baes that Nexus owned.

New Bases

NNLM After Nexus would merge into TSCOT OxTxXTXxTxO would reclaim NNLM as a TSCOT bse due to no Nexus members technically basing there anymore.

Terminus Under the same logic, Terminus would become recognised as a TSCOT base due to only TSCOT members basing there.

World Border

On the 13/05/23 OxTxXTXxTxO would reach the world border alone on his travel account NoNamedLoser.
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Upon reaching to border, he also created the base Excabor and invied Gerbbb, SupJOnline, PastChicken6240 and HijaxV2


After an accidental leak, Excabor was griefed by the Church of Francis 40 days after its creation, a video of the base's grief can be fund here

Initium Novum

Ater multiple newer players wuld join TSCOT, OxTxXTXxTxO founded a base for all of them to stay at, and theotherhades decided it should be called Initium Novum


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