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The Art of Wasping
Name: The Art of Wasping
In-game name:
Date: 2019 - Present
First joined:
Last seen:
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}


Wasping is a form of player versus player combat used predominantly in The Wasp War. A basic summary of it would be that : It consists of the combatant flying around whilst using a bow (or crossbow, though its far weaker) and attempt to shoot at their opponent whilst not touching the ground. Whilst this is correct, and how Wasping is normally performed, it is vastly more complicated than this with a large amounts of sub-methods and different strategies branching off of it.

Three Words Ambush 2.png


A Safe Way to Fight

Wasping is most regularly used when the performer is incapable of fighting on the ground. Due to ground PvP (most notably crystal combat) resulting in swift deaths if unable to fight, combatants will remain in the air where crystals are unable to be used and send a swarm of arrows (usually tipped) at their grounded opponent. Whilst slow, this will eventually wear down the opponent to death if they are ill-equipped, though it usually ends in either side retreating the battlefield.

Air Control

During large fights, control over the skies is useful for extra aid in combat. If fighters are unable to fight grounded, they can remain in the air, debuffing the opponent without any risk of dying themselves. Thanks to this air control is commonly fought over by Wasps.

Pioneers & Important Figures


Antzakes would be the first player to actively use wasp combat as a main PvP style, using it mostly against the Church of Francis. Although Antzakes would be the origin source of Wasping on the server, he would keep his playstyle classic, not implementing many new strategies throughout his time fighting.


When Crystal PvP became the meta on SimPvP, Lord1's pothead brain couldn't keep up with the fast pace. This forced him to master the Wasping style and would often mix it with sword/crystal PvP in short air-to-ground attacks. His clan, the Church of Francis, would implement Wasping into their battle strategy after noticing it's potential for ground support during The Holy War and it would become a staple of Francillian warfare for years after.


Being (mostly) taught how to fight in the air by Antzakes, OxT would develop new strategies and playstyles for Wasping, whilst also introducing lots of new players to the fighting style.