
From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 13:30, 3 January 2023 by Hijax (talk | contribs)
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Name: Hijax
In-game name: HijaxV2
Alts: Wouldnt you like to know?
Status: Active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: December 8th 2022
Last seen: Talking in chat
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: Valleria II
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: Church of Francis
Bases: Valleria Valleria II Fortnite Base GFC
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

”im about to get political.”


basic summery of hijax


Early Days

HijaxV2 first joined SimPVP in the late hours of December 8th after hearing about it from a unnamed friend, When Hijax joined he looked around spawn for a while until _swiggles_ and misterhollywood showed up, Hijax tried to be nice and peaceful but Swiggles just couldn't handle that and proceeded to spawn camp Hijax for almost 2 hours, eventually MisterHollywood saw a chance for Hijax to escape and whispered to him to leave, Hijax walked down the -Z hishway until he found Castle_Snowfrog he looked around and stole a golden helmet and boots from a loot room. After this Hijax would walk up the +Z nether highway until he found a good place to make a base hidden between rolling hills and far out oceans, he would name this base Valleria.