Valleria II

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Valleria II
Name: Valleria II
In-game name:
Status: Griefed
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: December 30st, 2022
Location: The Dead Region
Members: Hijax, riptide_vr, _swiggles_, misterhollywood, bruno_vera, ElectricChugg
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}



After the compromise of Valleria Hijax took a few in-game days to gather all supplies and looked for the perfect place to build the new rendition of Valleria, Valleria II when Hijax arrived he flew around the area and found a big hill next to a Spruce Village, Plains Biome, Old Growth Taiga, Ice Spikes, and a normal Oak forest when he saw that hill he imagined a great, giant castle. Hijax soon got to work trying to buy stone for cheap, after all, it was better than getting it manually, well ElectricChugg offered 6 full shulkers of stone for absolutely free, it was getting it off of his hands either way. Hijax with this new amount of stone bricks decides to start the layout of the castle, and after 9 long hours he finished the castle, it wasn't a perfect build because there was no decoration nor any supplies inside, he would spend the next few days working on the interior.

Growth Of Players

During his time working on the interior Hijax would invite a few players, he would obviously invite riptide_vr because he was Hijax's former base mate at Valleria when riptide_vr arrived he would help out organizing and they would plan out what they need to do next. Hijax would soon invite his close friend and ally ElectricChugg, Chugg siad he would not be able to show up immediately because he was busy with 2 other bases but Hijax still said he can show up anytime. After using Bruno_quarry many many times he feel like he could give back a little bit to bruno_vera, Hijax would invite Bruno to Valleria II, Bruno would show up when he got back from a multi day vacation. While talking in chat Valleria II would get brought up by players and Hijax, Hijax seeing a old trustworthy player that helped him long long ago he would invite misterhollywood, MisterHollywood would show up and stay for about an hour before having other issues to attend to in the server. Hijax invited _swiggles_ when the build was done and _swiggles was one of the first players to be invited but he would not show up until a crouch portal was made near spawn, with Hijax being slow he would know how to build onw until around 3 days later, after Hijax built the portal and gave _swiggles_ the coords for the portal, _swiggles_ would show up and before even looking around he immediately went to look in the loot room for any valuable loot.

Economic Growth

With Valleria II having many villages so close to the main castle, Hijax would create a villager breeder and a house to temp store them, during with this, every member was able to get half-decent gear and this would give them the opportunity to build more around the base.

Trade Deals

Not many trade deals happened, just some resources that Hijax needed that he couldn't obtain with his gear.


Valleria II didn't have many farms but what it did have was

  • Sugarcane Farm
  • Melon Farm
  • Cactus Farm
  • Bamboo Farm

And a huge hand made farm for wheat and other crops.


When COF found Valor, and the Hades portal hub, Valleria II was connected to the portal hub, which led to its demise.