
From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 22:04, 8 September 2023 by Tombomb47 (talk | contribs)
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TSCOT SupJ.png
In-game name: {{{ign}}}
Alts: None
Supreme Chancellor TSCOT,
Ex-Plebeian in Nexus
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined:
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
The Supreme Cult Of Tem,
Nexus (Former)
Otherworld Citadel,
NoNamedLoser Mountain
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Basic Information

SupJOnline joined SimPvP on 29th December 2022. He joined slightly after OxTxXTXxTxO and Papyrus839_ and they formed The Supreme Cult Of Tem, also known as TSCOT, where other friends joined like PastChicken6240 and Ghostblender.


First Joined

SupJOnline joined 2 days after OxTxXTXxTxO and Papyrus839_, though he had intended to join sooner, though was unable too. Upon joining SupJ was swiftly taken to the groups spawn bunker and ranked third in command of the group (There were currently no ranks in place due to the groups recent formation). He would be very active at the start, contributing lots to the base and the group.

Moving Base

After realising how close there base really was to spawn, TSCOT moved their base out to around ~800k, and SupJ helped build a lot at the new base helping construct some basic farms and working on OxTxXTXxTxO's villager hall with him.


Eventually after lots of fun times together messing around at their base, Papyrus839_ and Ghostblender would leak the base's coordinates. SupJ helped sort all of the bases storage into shulkers and evacuate them to a further out location whilst OxTxXTXxTxO and PastChicken6240 fought and killed Ghostblender in /world alongside Antzakes1.


After the evacuation, SupJ, OxTxXTXxTxO and PastChicken6240 would create the base Metropolis incredibly far out from spawn. The base was focused around building to stack up on equipment, and save the building stage for later on.


During this time SupJ was very inactive due to trying to complete other games he had recently started playing, however he became more active when TTVDkShadow, DarkLukiBoi and Ooftropilis got invited to the base.


After OxTxXTXxTxO travelled to the world border he founded the base Excabor and invited SupJ to the base, Sup had big plans for what to build, planning on a centre tree to reach world limit however the base was griefed only 40 days after it was founded due to a misclick from Gerbbb in a video call.