Neb Clancy's Rainbow Sim Siege

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Neb Clancy's Rainbow Sim Siege
Name: Neb Clancy's Rainbow Sim Siege
In-game name:
Alts: NCRSS, RSS, RSim, Sim Siege
First joined:
Last seen:
Location: House, More Soon!
Members: Laztec, MoWobbler, Nebuelaz
Clans: Terabyte Games

Neb Clancy's Rainbow Sim Siege was started in December of 2021 and was a sole project of Nebuelaz, designed to be a take on the Ubisoft game of a similar name in Minecraft. The intention was to create an Asymmetric Tactical First Person Shooter experience in Minecraft to allow players to outmaneuver their opponents, using tactics, strategy and utility to triumph over their opponents. The event boasts a cast of 18 individual operators who have varying kits, with both attackers and defenders having 9 unique characters. Movement is slower than in Minecraft and most characters have less health, making every corner you turn one potentially fatal mistake. The only current game mode is Capture Zone and the only current map is House, however future updates will introduce at least 2 more maps, with potentially a Free for All variant being made.

When the project was started, it was little more than a husk of its current state, Nebuelaz bringing the characters designs and abilities, alongside House's map design and much of the basic framework. However it would pause in progress and MoWobbler would join the project, assisting with much of the coding and command blocks. The event began to polish out and streamline the experience. And with this MoWobbler built a Plugin to support the event, allowing for potions to be thrown much further and allowing for fire and smoke grenades to be possible. Laztec would join and Terabyte would officially be formed with the 3 members. Laztec would assist with much of the World Guard flags, as well as assisting with the command blocks, map balance and character balance.

The event was first run in an early beta on the 29th July 2022 with many Wilbur members. This event was a huge success and allowed for balance changes alongside many features of the event being streamlined. The event has a planned launch soon as a final few bugs are being ironed out. Improvements are planned to be continued long after it's launch however.

Player Guide

The event will start in a courtyard where players will choose between blue and red teams. This will decide who will be attacking or defending first and set the teams to the 2 groups of players. Once teams are chosen the event will begin and players will be transported to the character selection rooms, 1 for each team. In the room will be 9 books and pressure plates, for each of the operators. Players can read the books to determine what each character offers and then step on the pressure plate to choose said operator. The round will start in 30 seconds from being teleported into the room so choose quickly! Upon being teleported the objective will be told to all the players in the form of a room.

Defenders, blue team, will be transported onto the map on the current objective room. The defenders job is to defend the objective and stop the attackers from capturing it. The defenders may use this time to position within the house and prepare for the attackers. The attackers, red team, will be transported into a pre-round chamber. They will have 4 different teleports to choose from, each taking them to a different spawn. Once the round begins the attackers chamber will open and they will be able to use the teleporters to enter the map. The attackers will then have 2 minutes to capture the objective. Defenders CANNOT go outside of the house.

The objective room will be captured by the attackers standing inside the room. Defenders inside the room will stop capture progress and so must be killed first. Any capture progress made is kept until the round ends. The attackers win, if they capture the objective. The defenders will win if the objective isn't captured in the 2 minute timer, or if they kill all the attackers. If an attacker is on the objective site, when the 2 minutes ends, then Overtime starts. So long as there is an attacker on the objective, the round will continue indefinitely. If they leave the objective or die, the round will instantly end and the defenders will win.

Once the round is finished, both teams will change sides and colours! Blue team will become red team and will now have to choose an attacker. Vice a versa for red team. Now fight the next round! This can go on indefinitely but for now will be the best of 5. (First team to win 3 rounds.)


The Operators are split between the 2 teams. The attackers are red and Task Force Bravo. The defenders are blue and Task Force Alpha. It is worth noting that your teams colour is simply whether you are the attacker or defender. As you will swap teams each round. If you are attacking you will be red. If you are defending your team will be blue. Below is the basic profiles for all the current operators available to play in Sim Siege.

NOTE: Due to the ever changing nature of this event, and the time and effort required to create these profiles, the precise details may be slightly different in the future. For a complete up to date view of the characters, feel free to message Nebuelaz on joining the Terabyte Community Discord, which will have all the most recent RSS updates, as well as other Terabyte projects.

As a note, Shatter, Aspida and Hatchet have had minor reworks and are notably different. I will update them as soon as possible.

Attackers - Task Force Bravo

Archer Character Profile.pngAU-517 Character Profile.pngBlade Character Profile.png

Glitch Character Profile.pngLance Character Profile 2.pngPantheon Character Profile.png

Phoenix Character Profile.pngPraetor Character Profile 2.pngWitch Character Profile.png

Defenders - Task Force Alpha

Alchemist Character Profile.pngAspida Character Profile.pngDoc Character Profile.png

Epidemic Character Profile.pngHatchet Character Profile.pngMatchstick Character Profile.png

Olympus Character Profile.pngShatter Character Profile.pngWebber Character Profile.png


There are going to be multiple maps in RSS, however for now there is only 1 playable map. There are planned to be the current map, House, and then a super large map, a medium sized map and a open Free for All map. Information prevalent to these shall be provided when the updates for RSS roll out.


House is a small confined map, with narrow halls and few entries into many rooms. It is designed to be a close quarters map, with some sneaky lines of sight and angles to shoot from. There are 5 possible objective rooms. These are The Master Bedroom, The Kids Bedrooms (Both of the rooms are same objective), The Dining Room, The Kitchen and The Pool Room.


Here provided by Laztec, is a small overview of the layout of the map, with the Basement being on the left, the ground floor in the middle, and the top floor on the right.

House - Basement.pngHouse - Ground Floor.pngHouse - Upstairs.png


RSS House.png

RSS House Bar.pngRSS House Pool.pngRSS House Reception.pngRSS House Bathroom.pngRSS House Dining.pngRSS House Kitchen.pngRSS House Kids.pngRSS House Library.pngRSS House Master.png

Rainbow Springs Correctional Facility

The second map will likely be this, The Rainbow Springs Correctional Facility. Built to house the criminally insane and rehabilitate them, this location hides a darker secret... Coming in the future!

The Future of Sim Siege

There is many planned upgrades to the current cast, but also 3 attackers and 3 defenders already in early testing. Once they are ready additional operators are planned to be added to the current cast of 18. As stated above there are 2 planned maps in the work and a Free for All map being made. There are also planned to be patches and updates to the balance of the current cast, to attempt to keep the characters fair and balanced.

Overall the release of Sim Siege is just it's beginning and I would like to thank MoWobbler and Laztec, whom without, this event wouldn't be half of what it is. And half of what it will be in the future. We hope you enjoy the event as much as we did and look forward to the updates planned in the future!

Finally, there is a discord for RSS. It is mainly just being used to notify those interested in patch notes as they release. The discord IS not really meant to be an active location for social conversations but are welcome. It is simply an easy location to get the latest RSS news from any of the Terabyte Team. It is also a place to make suggestions for RSS. Such as balance changes or gameplay directions. It will also be one of the first places to be informed of future Terabyte Games events that are potentially in the works! If you wish to join, then please message Nebuelaz.