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Throughout the server's lengthy history, there have been various trailers made promoting SimPvP and its rich community, bases and players. The earliest two trailers were created by RevStoningpot: the first trailer, created in 2012, included RevStoningpot performing the song Political Science on his electric keyboard, while the second trailer simply used a Randy Newman song. The second trailer, which was released in 2014, remained the only SimPvP trailer for several years.

In 2018, ostrich1414 decided to update SimPvP's trailer as it had been four year since the last one, and thus the newest iteration was made, with the Bobby Shmurda song Hot Nigga used to target an untapped urban audience. A few months later, clipchip created a further updated server trailer in 2019, and this most recent version is arguably the greatest SimPvP trailer as of yet.

SimPvP Trailers

Below is a list of the various SimPvP promotional trailers in chronological order:

Title Year Creator Link
Simplicitypvp Trailer on 2012 RevStoningpot Trailer 2014 RevStoningpot
SimPvP Trailer *2018 Updated Version* 2018 ostrich1414
simpvp trailer (gone wild) 2019 clipchip