Build server

From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 21:31, 18 January 2018 by Yukar9 (talk | contribs) (we now use vanilla /tp)
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SimPvP also has a creative server, this server is completely separate from the main server. Because of this, the rules there are also different. The build server is intended to allow people who regularly play on the main SimPvP server community access to a creative server. The server has, among other things, been used for creating custom spawns and custom PvP worlds. Access to the build server is a privilege, not a right.

The server is whitelisted, the only way to gain access is for someone already whitelisted to whitelist you.

It is accessed on


The creative server is split into worlds, each owned by somebody. This is to make it easier to organize things, and make it easy to figure out who owns what. Worlds are named as 'owner'-'name'. The build server uses multiworld to provide the multiple worlds. Click the link to see a full list of commands available. Basically you'll want to do /mw create <world name>, then /mw load <world name>, and finally use /mw goto <world name> to go between the different worlds.

The rules

  • Do not grief other people's things
  • Don't do unnecessary building. The server's resources are limited, so please don't just worldedit to create huge buildings or whatever just for the fun of it.
  • Every world has to be prefixed by the owner of that world. So if your name is yukarion, and you want to create a world named example, it must be named yukarion-example. If multiple people are to use the same world, select a single person to be the 'owner' of that world.
  • You may only give other people access to the server if they are familiar with these rules, and you trust that they will follow them. To give somebody access, /op them.