Nueva Confederada

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Nueva Confederada
Name: Nueva Confederada
In-game name: {{{ign}}}
Alts: {{{alts}}}
Status: Griefed
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: {{{joined}}}
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: May 2021
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: NotMykeYT, Nikoxlas, Resuki_xD, jaumee21, xexc
Clans: {{{clans}}}
Bases: {{{bases}}}
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Nueva Confederada was the capital city of the faction Confederacy of Man. It was focused on the massive production of all sort of items. It was griefed by the Cringe States of Francis on 19th May, 2021, 2 weeks after its foundation



Nueva Confederada is the result of the creation of the Confederacy of Man and the requirement to establish a capital for it. The founders are Nikoxlas, NotMykeYT, Resuki_xD and jaumee21.

Making the banner

There were lots of options of banners for the Confederacy. Searching for a way to choose one banner in the fairest way possible, there was a vote in which all the players of the Confederacy participated.


Production time and fall

After choosing the banner, it was necessary to start with the work: in the base there was built an iron factory, two villager hubs, a wool factory, a site to enchant and make pots, a chest and furnaces room, an armory and an enderman farm, all made in 2 weeks. The confederated players used this to start their shop, which have the cheapest prices of the server in armors and weapons. They started selling and in one week they made around 40DBs, but the base was found due to xexc being a double agent and it was destroyed by 12 virgilians.