
From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 08:29, 23 June 2019 by TheOnlySlash (talk | contribs)
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Name: {{{name}}}
In-game name: TheOnlySlash
Status: Active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: June 13th, 2017
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: The Fellowship The Siege (Not really a clan)
Bases: Semper Idem The Rape Cave Shitty Meth Lab gay base. Woah, It looks like a meteor hit here!
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Joined and made the fellowship which was an utter joke. opposed the "FOK" because they declared war on the fellowship. i then griefed all of their bases and kori griefed all of mine to try and inside YMP. I believe that Lord1 is an utter joke of a player.

On April 24th 2019 TheOnlySlash was killed by Clipchip forcing him to leak all of his bases rage quit the server and disband the fellowship. in the process he killed 82 children.

(also said by slash) the FOK actually took this seriously? lmao wtf. this is why we hate you... that and the griefing :/ also the biased information :/. this was a joke about how clipchip killed me at castle snowfrog and that the server was shit talking me when i left.