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Name: {{{name}}}
In-game name: Ðrogun
Alts: {{{alts}}}
Status: Active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: June 2019
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Bases: Vilivian, Obbytown, Nomad's Rest
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Drogun first joined SimPvP in the summer of 2019. For the first few days, he hopelessly floundered around spawn. After the forty-third fatal creeper explosion, he decided he'd have a better survival chance if he teamed up.


His first teammate, Jtov, also happened to be working on breaking free from the tentacles of spawn. They met at Castle Snowfrog and departed from there via the nether rail system. After some time, they popped their heads out into the overworld and discovered that they had found new chunks only 30k from spawn. They set up a humble base in a village, named it Vilivian, and then proceeded to not play for a month.

The Yittrium Work Gang

When Drogun returned, he and Jtov were invited by AntHand to join the Yittrium Work Gang. Uninspired by their own base, they agreed to relocate and upon arrival, they were supplied with tools and armor in exchange for their mining services. Drogun was able to procure 9 stacks of obsidian for Yittrium as well as begin work on the labor camp. The hour grew late and all the workers except Drogun, AntHand, and big_bloxxer had logged off.

Unbeknownst to AntHand, two high ranking Shadow Mcmafia members had followed him to the portal that led from spawn to the work camp. As Anthand was away and Drogun and big_bloxxer were building, they were surprise attacked by clipchip and JavelinFury. The fight was futile, if not non-existent, and the two workers were butchered alive. After the assailants had danced around the unrecognizable corpses of the helpless workers, they continued to slaughter them every time they respawned until their bloodlust was satiated. In an attempt to repel the attackers, Drogun loaded the main building (which housed the portal) up to the tits with trinitrotoluene and lit the fuse. The massive explosion did not kill either attacker nor did it destroy the portal. It did however completely vaporize big_bloxxer, who had run into the house at the last second and was unaware of the explosive internals. Both Drogun and big_bloxxer had a good chuckle about that.

As the MCMAFIA aggressors continued their merciless assault upon the two workers, AntHand entered the fray. Seeing that Drogun had obliterated big_bloxxer in a scorched earth attempt, AntHand assumed Drogun was actually an enemy. Drogun's relief at AntHand's return quickly turned to grief as AntHand also joined in on the beating. The MCMAFIA duo then chased AntHand until he was forced to retreat and there was much drama with regards to issues between the two leaders. Harsh words were exchanged and the fundamental issues of slavery, betrayal, and mineral rights were questioned.

As Drogun lay there, his body beaten and broken, he realized he may have been caught up in something that was beyond himself. He looked over where poor big_bloxxer's corpse should have been, but he could only make out a smoldering crater and a couple of teeth.

"I should probably just start a base with a bunch of fellow noobs. Yeah, less drama." Drogun thought to himself.

Nomad's Rest

When Drogun was able to find a suitable location for a base, he invited his former partner, Jtov, as well as big_bloxxer (after he was superglued back together). Forests were quickly cleared, the land was farmed, herds of livestock were established, and the natives of the area were forcibly removed. The area was named Nomad's Rest because it appeared to finally be a place for Drogun to settle down. Here are some neat pictures for you.

Despite enjoying the freedom from drama and old rivalries, Drogun found there were other issues with a noob base. Jtov decided that he wanted to build his own base about 10k away, therefore reducing the number of players at Nomad's Rest to two. Furthermore, big_bloxxer was banned for his superhuman X-ray abilities because the admins did not want him to see through their clothes.

"I should maybe team up with established players who are older than the age of twelve," thought Drogun.


Will a new age of triumph and success arise? Or will this section end with yet another self-reflective thought? To be continued.