4th Annual Lord1 Day

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Lord1 Day
Name: Lord1 Day
In-game name:
Date: February 28th 2023
First joined:
Last seen:
Coords: 0, -3300
Members: Lord1, Hijax, Le_Reviewer, MrDavid99, Lpmaster123, Gsmack, Tenced, Zsed12, _swiggles_
Clans: Church_of_Francis
Bases: Castle Snowfrog

Basic Information

Lord1 Day is held every year on Lord1s join date, it is typically a tiny party with trusted COF members, speeches are told and gifts are given.


In the early AMs of Feb 28th, Le sent a happy Lord1 day in the COF discord and so did Hijax, later that morning Lord1 would post a picture showing that an event would take place at around 5 PM that same night. Neither Hijax Or Le_Reviewer planned that out, they both got into contact with Lord1 telling him that a place was ready and they have already planned everything out.

Early Work

Before Le proposed the idea of a secret birthday party Hijax earlier that day already planned a small event, when Le proposed it, Hijax jumped at the opportunity to work with another person to host a large-ish scale event.


Hijac when planning knew of a great spot at a famous landmark, Castle Snowfrog. It is close to spawn and is rather large, many historic battles were fought there as well, so all in all, a great place. Hijax would locate an empty plot and would create a small ceremony area, with a lot of spruce wood, stone bricks, and gold.


Lord1, Hijax, and Le_reviewer would all send out many invites and would push for people to come to the party. Many non-COF members were invited as well, although many couldn't make it or were trapped by another player at 0,0.