Battle of CCC

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Battle of Confederacy Capital City
Name: Battle of Confederacy Capital City
In-game name: {{{ign}}}
Alts: {{{alts}}}
Status: Tactical CCC victory

Strategical decisive Francilian-GSTCo victory

Date: August 27th, 2021
First joined: {{{joined}}}
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Members: Listed in "Combatants"
Clans: {{{clans}}}
Bases: Confederacy Capital City, Phoenix
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

The Battle of Confederacy Capital City was a battle started during the grief of Phoenix and Confederacy Capital City by the Empire of Francis and the GS Trading Co, who obtained the coords of the base through MrHolly.

The Battle

MrHolly joined the Confederacy 3 weeks before the battle, but he joined the Empire of Francis as an spy insided into the CoM 2 weeks before. After having more than 60 hours and being the citizen that built the most in CCC, Nikoxlas invited him to Phoenix, the main base of the Confederacy.

About three days after that, Lord1 and the Francilians invaded the CCC with Holly leading him to the bases. Resuki, who when joining the server saw a lot guys destroying his base and realizing that he hadn't any PvP gear, achieved to flee the attack. When 1590283112 heard about the invasion, he rushed to CCC to kill as many Francilians as he could, killing MrHolly twice and marcosgo16 even being outnumbered 1 - ~10

Although the battle was won by the Confederacy Capital City by killing more people than the attacking forces did (3-0) strategically it was an absolute defeat, since the base was insided and the coordinates had been revealed.

Video(s) of the battle can be seen here:


Attacking Coalition

GS Trading Co

Empire of Francis


Confederacy Capital City

Confederacy of Man
