
From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 14:57, 8 May 2023 by Lpmaster (talk | contribs)
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Name: {{{name}}}
In-game name: Lpmaster123
Status: Jailed yet still Active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined:
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: {{{location}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: Church of Francis The Techno Union Brick Brotherhood

Bases Name Pending Name_Pending_2 Lp Land Deepslate Forge New Ishtar Borjan Masteria Cave Base Kansas New World Solium Alpha III Kroses Eros

Bases: {{{bases}}}
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

LPmaster123 is a notable player who joined in 2022, joining the Church of Francis and eventually ranking to Imperial Disciple. He would go on to work on Name Pending, Name Still Pending, The Franthion and his base (Lp Land). He would also fight in The Dominion-Francis Conflict.

The Beginning

After being introduced to Sim by his irl Friend Lobster2337 Lp would get invited to Solium Alpha.When Solium Alpha got griefed Lp was blamed Even tho he did not even have power irl most of the day that it was griefed

Joining The Church Of Francis

After Leaving Solium Alpha Lp Would make a base inside a mountain he then would join the Church of Francis

The start of Lp Land

Once Lp got bored of the mountain base he Would ask Lord1 For a portal to safe cords to start A new Base so Lord1 gave him a portal The base that Lp would build off this portal would Later Be known as Lp Land

Name Pending

Lp was Invited to The cof Base Name_Pending By Agekka there he would build a house and a Tower.It would be at this base Lp would meet players such as ChuckFuk Xexc f8tal_ Unkn0wnSFR MrDavid99 and Amakano.


The Grief Of Name_Pending

Name Pending would later be griefed would be griefed by TheOnlySlash .

Name Pending 2 /Name still Pending

After The Grief Of Name_Pending Lp was invited to the sequel base Name_Pending_2


Meeting Mountaindew723

One day while Lp was online a player named Mountaindew723 was asking if anyone wanted to base with him Lp decided to gear him /world and go to his base where to 2 would make a raid farm.

The Dominion-Francis Conflict

After TheOnlySlash declared war on cof Lp would be one of the brave Francillian warriors to fight in the conflict.

The Grief Of Name Pending 2/Name Still Pending

After Lord1 received information that the Name Still Pending cords had been compromised the base was self griefed.

Cave Base

After Mountaindew723s former main base was Leaked by Crazynoobliz and griefed by TheOnlySlash.Lp along with Dacegod863 And Swiggles would get invited to his new Base that was made inside of a cave.

Deepstate Forge

Lp Would Get invited to the base Deepstate Forge by Swiggles Lp would mostly just fuck around at this base and use the farms but did help with the construction of the villager hall and the Chappell inside of the base.

Deepslate Forge Chappell construction.png


Lp would get invited to the Techno Union base Borjan By The groups leader Incog at this base Lp would meet such players as Oakmarten Glausthe KohukeSFR and crazynoobliz

Lp Land

After The Grief Lp Would invited most of the members as well as his irl friend SonicJacob,and other Trust worthy players including ItzPalo and Dacegod86.

The Grief Of Lp Land

Tho Lps Great attempt to keep the base secure The base was found because The Base Member Agekka was TheOnlySlash on a alt unknown to the other members until Lp Land was griefed.


After The Grief Of Lp Land Lp would form a new base along with Unkn0wnSFR called Masteria.

File:Masteria Banner500px