Player | |
In-game name: Dakka_MAIN | |
Alts: Dakka_SPAWN, Dakka_AGGERSEL, Dakka_PRINCIPATE, Dakka_HUNTER | |
Status: Active player | |
First joined: 2011 | |
Location: Germany | |
Bases: Nos Astra, New Nos Astra, The Shire, Erebor, Pooligan and berni's place, Valhalla, New Valhalla,and others |
Dakkadok is a regular player on simpvp.net who, after helping to kill the Enderdragon, was invited to join MisterStrawman at his city, later named Valhalla. He lived and built there until the base was griefed by JesusJuice and his team. Later, he joined miniwimi's town, Greyfell, which was griefed by JesusJuice as well. Shortly after the release of Bukkit 1.7.2, he founded Nirvana together with Jamesged and miniwimi. After Nirvana was abandoned due to a threat by Horus, he founded Nos Astra where he lived with AllSixSix. After Nos Astra was griefed, he took a break, then continued building a Nos Astra copy in singleplayer creative. He later founded The Shire together with some real life friends. He later created Erebor. In the beginning of 2017 he moved on to Vallaryn.