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Name: {{{name}}}
In-game name: TheOnlySlash
Status: Active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: June 13th, 2017
Last seen: {{{lastseen}}}
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: The Fellowship
Bases: Semper Idem The Rape Cave Shitty Meth Lab gay base
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

TheOnlySlash is a player who joined the server on June 13th, 2017, but left due to the rules. He later rejoined in February 2019 and began tunneling to the world border in the nether on February 22nd, 2019. As of recording this, he is currently still traveling. He also has a youtube channel which you can find here:


TheOnlySlash is the founder of Semper Idem and Along with Rainyday203 has helped expand the Island into a large City. The Only Slash Initially formed The Fellowship to help with their plan of digging a comprehensive system of tunnels in the Nether. And later making many of these Tunnels suitable for Horse Travel, TheOnlySlash is credited with expanding the Y:120 Nether Highway on the positive z-Axis from around it's original 6000 Blocks to around 45,000 Blocks long. After dying from an unfortunate incident involving lava during the expansion of the Tunnel, it has not yet been expanded further, Likely due to the loss of Life caused during its construction. Plans for TheOnlySlash along with the help of many members of The Fellowship (including Rainyday203, The_Arma, and Optarium) to Dig out these tunnels further and also and help further increase the length of these tunnels making them suitable for travel by horse are Planned in future expeditions.

The Fellowship

The Fellowship is a group that was started in late February of 2019 by TheOnlySlash with some of its main members including Rainyday203, Optarium, and MutualistManiac who is currently jailed. As of now, the Fellowship (and its subgroups) has roughly seventeen members making it the largest active group on the server. The Fellowship's goals are to destroy spawn, kill newer players, build nether tunnels to one million on each axis that could allow horse travel and to build large active community bases.


The Fellowship of the Kittens has declared a trade embargo and war on the Fellowship as of 14/03/2019.

The Fellowship is allied with The Drago Guard.

Antzakes1 is really mean to slash >:(

TheOnlySlash is closely associated with MutualistManiac.

On April 24th 2019 TheOnlySlash was killed by Clipchip forcing him to leak all of his bases rage quit the server and disband the fellowship. in the process he killed 82 children.

(also said by slash) the FOK actually took this seriously? lmao wtf. this is why we hate you... that and the griefing :/ also the biased information :/. this was a joke about how clipchip killed me at castle snowfrog and that the server was shit talking me when i left. also clip if your reading this... gg mate. your a good pvper :)