
From Simplicitypvp
Revision as of 13:06, 23 August 2023 by Hijax (talk | contribs) (→‎Nexus)
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Name: Hijax
In-game name: NotHijax
Status: TSCOT - Consul
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: December 8th 2022
Last seen: Talking in chat
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: Listed Below
Nexus (Former)
Church of Francis (Former) 
Bases: Listed Below (In Order of Join Date) ... (F= Founded. V= Vacant)
Valleria - F/V
Fortnite Base - V
Valleria II - F/V
Fern Springs
Evergreen - F/V
New Ishtar - V
Valkyria - F/V
III Kroses - F/V
Hole Base - F/V
Terminus - V
Kings Landing
Valor - V
Valleria III
Initium Novum
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}
**this was last updated in may, its very far behind.**
also when there is smth like (Screenie) its just a footnote so I know what screenshots to upload.

”ignore my grammer.”


Basic Information

One player on Sim, known as Hijax, joined on December 8, 2022. While he is recognized for being quite talkative and politically inclined, he also holds the distinction of leading Nexus and playing a considerable amount of time despite being a relatively new player. Unfortunately, as of Spring 2023, he has earned a negative reputation due to unfounded accusations levied against him, making him one of the most disliked players on the platform. (note from Hijax - I blank a lot of my own pages)

HijaxAtCOF1.png HIjax-Legions1.png

Hijax-NewIshtar1.png PumkinParty3.png

Early Days

On December 8th, HijaxV2 joined SimPVP for a particular reason that remains undisclosed. Upon joining, he explored the spawn area until encountering Swiggles and MisterHollywood. Despite being friendly, Swiggles resorted to spawn camping Hijax for almost two hours. Fortunately, MisterHollywood intervened and helped Hijax escape by advising him to leave. Hijax proceeded to travel down the -Z highway until stumbling upon Castle_Snowfrog where he obtained a golden helmet and boots from a loot room. He then journeyed up the +Z nether highway until discovering a secluded spot nestled between rolling hills and vast oceans. This location would later become known as Valleria, Hijax's first base.

VallerianSkyline.png HijaxTreeFire.png

Age Of Advancements

During this time, Hijax was busy creating numerous farms and expanding his base. He stumbled upon two villages nearby and decided to convert the Acacia Village into a breeder village, while keeping the Spruce Village for a future project. It was during this time that his real-life friend, riptide_vr, joined the server and needed a place to stay. Hijax extended an invitation to stay at Valleria. Upon arrival, riptide got straight to work and perfected the Villager Trading Hall. They managed to get the hall to such a high level that they could buy a full set of enchanted diamond armor for just 164 emeralds. After this achievement, they went to the Spruce Village to create a sand super-smelter, iron farm, and mob XP farm, but found out that there is a plugin that prevents that model from working. Later, Hijax received an invitation to Fortnite Base. During his visit, player bruno_vera saw Hijax in basic iron armor and offered him a godset of diamond armor. Without hesitation, Hijax accepted the offer and received his first set of diamond armor.

Hijax-DeepslateDiamonds.png Hijax-Riptide Vr.png

Fortnite Base Shenanigans

On December 21st, just a few days before Christmas in 2022, Hijax received an invitation to visit the Fortnite Base. In a hurry, he gathered a small quantity of materials and embarked on a multi-thousand block journey into unknown territory. After nearly an hour, he found himself in close proximity to the Portal. However, his pickaxe broke before he could break the last few netherrack, leaving him stranded. In a state of panic, he reached out to ChuckFuk for emergency assistance. ChuckFuk promptly arrived and provided Hijax with a stack of golden carrots and a Totem. However, in his excitement, Hijax forgot to use the Totem and put it in his Enderchest, which ChuckFuk had placed down while mining towards the portal. The rapid pace of block-breaking caused Hijax to fall to his death right next to the portal. Despite this setback, Hijax seized the opportunity to return to the Fortnite Base with several shulkers of supplies and materials needed for survival, as the base was still in its early stages of development. He settled down in a half-built castle shell that ChuckFuk had constructed, adding two floors, walls, windows, and a staircase made of wood.

Atacfauxpas-house.png FortniteCastleOG.png

Pumkin Party '23

During the Pumpkin Party event in '23, Hijax participated as both a participant and documenter. He captured various screenshots and cleverly named the event "Pumkin Party" (spelled intentionally). Hijax also took the initiative to create a page dedicated to Pumpkin Party '23 with all the screenshots he had taken. He looks forward to hosting another event next year on the same date.

PumkinParty3.png PumkinParty2.png

Age Of Short-Term Conflicts

The Assassination of Riptide

The start of the short-term fights occurred when Hijax and riptide_vr were working on a farm in Valleria. During this time, _swiggles_ attempted to lure riptide_vr into World by asking for food, but riptide_vr immediately declined to know _swiggles_ past. Later that night, Hijax and riptide_vr decided to explore near spawn and made it to 0,0. They visited Castle_Snowfrog, but while riptide_vr was inside a tower, Hijax flew to an old cave he previously used for survival. Unfortunately, riptide_vr was killed in an explosion triggered by _swiggles_. Hijax arrived at the scene and saw _swiggles_, but he didn't run because they were both in COF, and higher-ups wouldn't approve of _swiggles_ killing Hijax. Hijax collected all of riptide_vr's loot and put it in his Enderchest.

Hijax-Deepslate1.png Hijax-Deepslate2.png

The Hijax Trade Embargo Incident

One of the worst things to happen to Hijax in his first month of playing, while trying to trade with _swiggles_ for some very cheap loot, (The Wasp) antzakes1 would come and kill him and take everything, after this unjustifiable kill, Hijax messaged antzakes1 and asked: "why?" antzakes1 told him something along the lines of, "I will not let you trade with _swiggles_ ever, don't try it, you will not survive" Of course Hijax was outraged but he knew he did not have the skill nor the supplies to kill the flying warship, antzakes1. But Hijax knew the obvious fix to this issue, Trade while he is offline, easy enough, antzakes1 isn't online much. But antzakes1 knew this and cracked down on Hijax more, stating "You can only trade with iLxgend, Laztec, Aluminisn, Lord1, or Ostrich1414. Hijax accepted that deal only on the condition he could freely fly around /World without immediate death. antzakes1 Agreed to that deal, until January 2nd, when Hijax went into /world for free stone offered by (PLACEHOLDER), there was no trade going on, Nor was it with a player that they agreed upon Hijax could not trade with, while flying to the designated area to drop off the supplies Antzakes1 flew up behind trying to hit Hijax, Hijax dogged the attacks of arrows but knew he couldn't get away, he tried stalling and typing in chat to (PLACEHOLDER) to leave /World, and then starting yelling at Antzakes1 about how they agreed on the deal and he was breaking the rules, but all hijax got in return was radio silence, it got to a point to where Hijax knew he wasn't making it, he didnt have his PvP kit on, nor did he have the rockets to keep flying, Hijax flew low to the ground and combat logged, he knew he would lose his stuff and he would take a giant loss with losing his gear, after about 5 minuets Hijax logged back on and was obviously killed for combat logging, he continued to talk to Antzakes1 about why he killed him and Antzakes1 replied saying "Because you are in COF, Formally leave COF and make sure Lord1 knows you are leaving, then ill give you your stuff back." Of course, Hijax refused to do so, and continued to argue about the situation until Antzakes1 got offline. The image below is the final picture before the attack.


The Fight For Fortnite Castle

(These events did happen, but they are VERY overdramatic)

The fight for Fortnite castle started almost immediately, when Hijax arrived he took the empty shell of a "castle" that ChuckFuk had built, Hijax would work on wood flooring and a 2nd and 3rd floor for the castle, he would add rooms and walkways, long tall towers rising above all else, we would interiorize the whole building and after essentially building the castle he would name it the very simple and temporary name "Hijax Castle". ChuckFuk would message Hijax through Discord saying the following (link image of discord interaction)

Hijax and ChuckFuk would go back and forth for a week, changing banners and removing signs, Hijax would come to Fortnite Base when ChuckFuk was online to just mess around while there when he got there ChuckFuk started firing upon Hijax with his bow. Hijax would retaliate after flying on top of the castle, shooting shots at ChuckFuk as well, the fight was so intense his friend had to get offline, ChuckFuk would invade the castle by entering and rushing to the room where Hijax was they would trade small shots and bow hits, Hijax would go down to the first floor and take cover in the storag room, while in there ChuckFuk charges with an almost fatal blow, Hijax would escape through the window and go through a back window leading next to a stair case he would rush upstairs and hold the staircase before ChuckFuk would start shooting at Hijax again, Hijax would go to the more strategic point near a guard tower entrance that had a ladder, he would hold that spot trading arrow shots with ChuckFuk, the fight got to a point where ChuckFuk retreted outside and waited for Hijax to leave the castle, for obvious reasons Hijax did not leave and ChuckFuk would get offline. With the victory of Hijax Castle, Hijax would be in high spirits going back to his home Valleria II he would spread the word about the victory for him and the people of Valleria II. Hijax would get offline for about 3 days because of external reasons.

When Hijax returned to the server he went back to Fortnite Base to do some extensions of the base, making it far better than it was ever before, after gearing up he would soon arrive at the portal and when he went up to his famed castle it was, well, gone. Hijax could only assume that ChuckFuk had done it, when he went closer to assess the damage he saw that ChuckFuk had returned it to the empty shell it once was, no towers, no windows, no floors, no rooms, nothing, just the walls, and the empty shell it was he would be furious, Hijax would decide what his next step was, Hijax would get TNT and set a booby trap up, filling up the room with TNT if anyone but primarily ChuckFuk entered the caste TNT would go off blowing it up, Hijax knew ChuckFuk would be smarter and would set up other hidden pressure plates around the room next to TNT. ChuckFuk A few days later would clean it up and leave Fortnite base again.

Hijax would return and restore Fortnite Castle one last time, he redid the flooring and walls, he redid the layout of the castle, and finished it. Hijax would write a book directed to ChuckFuk. Links to the photocopy of the book VVV

Media:HCbook1.png Media:HCbook2.png Media:HCbook3.png

Hijax-ChuckFuk.png Hijax-FortniteBase.png

The Age of Bases

Valleria II Abondonedment

On January 27th, 2023, the decision was made to abandon Valleria II, bringing an end to the Vallerian Empire. The reasoning behind this decision was that Hijax felt that Valleria was not an ideal location for the Capital of the Vallerian Empire. Given his future political ambitions, he felt that he could not manage multiple capitals and bases. All former members of Valleria II were informed that the process of packing up would begin soon, and they were advised to leave the area. There would be no future king of Valleria II, and the fate of the region would be left to time to decide.

ValleriaII1.png HijaxDeso1.png

The Quick Rise & Fall of Valkyria

Valkyria was a base that didn't last long and had numerous anonymous players. Despite its brief 20-day existence, the base expanded rapidly to cater to the various requirements of its members. It also boasted several recreational spots. Unfortunately, Valkyria's downfall was just as swift as its rise. COF compromised the base, leaving the remaining members with no choice but to abandon it. They depleted all resources and shut down all links before leaving.

ValkFirstScreenie.png ValkSecondScreenie.png

III Kroses

Following his departure from Valkyria, Hijax embarked on a quest to find a new base. He searched extensively across various jungles until he found the ideal location. After terraforming a substantial portion of the land, Hijax began constructing several buildings and devising plans for the rest of the base. He extended an invitation to Lpmaster123 and ItzPalo to come to the base. Lpmaster123 contributed to the construction of various structures and later provided valuable suggestions for inviting other players. These screenshots are from a long time ago.

III-2.png III-1.png

Imperial Senate

With the assistance of ItzPalo, Hijax aimed to revamp the former Imperial Senate, going through numerous iterations before settling on its current form. Its purpose is to govern and oversee COF, particularly in the absence of higher-ups, and to contribute to the wider SimPVP community.

(Screenie1) (screenie2)


Although it was a very important factor of COF it never gained any funder, matter of fact, Lord1 still owes Hijax 5DBs, anyway, the funding within the group functioned as a collective pool, if anyone within the Senate needed funding for anything, other senators would help.

Introduction of Many New Roles

Throughout its lifetime, Hijax and the IS would oversee many new roles implemented, these are, Supreme Chancellor, Senator, Supreme Senator, and an addition to a new public role is "Oglemtrooper" originally named "Deacon", it separated Trooper from Disciple, preventing insiders from getting access to quickly.

Multitude of Events

Before the Hijax Conspiracy, IS had organized three major events: the 4th Lord1 Day, Legions 2023, and UniLegion (which has since been cancelled). These events were primarily led by Hijax, with significant support from Lord1 for funding, Le_Reivewer for planning 4th Lord1 Day, and MrDavid99 for granting permission to host Legions 2023.

The Fall

As of now, with Hijax's many eyes everywhere, IS is at a standstill, not doing much, no events are happening, and the Supreme Chancellor role was passed down to ItzPalo, But it looks like many changes that IS made are here to stay. Update, IS Has been disbanded after Hijax' leave.

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The Calm Before The Storm

Although both of these are "Conflicts" they were not serious, as they were the ONLY thing that happened for around 3 weeks, Hijax used these to fill his boredom, and to write Wiki pages, and truthfully, the largest storm of his playing time was just about to start.

The 95Lit Scandal

There is a player under the username 95Lit who is a relatively peaceful IRL friend of Hijax, but many people think he is a Hijax alt (not true alts are gay asf). But that is not how he always was, before March 19th his original username was Statix999, and acted completely different, one night when Antzakes1 killed him he stated that he is giving the account to a friend, and that is where we are with the situation.

BellWarTreaty.png BellWarHijaxHouse.png

The Bell War

(Completly Dramatized) The bell war is a proxy war fought at both Valleria and III Kroses. Hijax would be on the opposing side of the war, and the first to be attacked, after a long 5-day war Hijax would win "The Battle Of Valleria" and would create a peace treaty between the 2 factions, this would create a bond like no other and The Dominate was formed. (now named Nexus)

95LitTorture1.png 95LitTorture2.png

Hijax Conspiracy

The Hijax Conspiracy is a term coined by 95Lit, It is the attempted downfall and attacking of Hijax and his credibility.

(Warning some of this MAY be biased, I will try my absolute hardest to NOT write biased, but it may happen.)

Growing Trust and Influence

A valuable addition to Early 2023 COF would be Hijax. He has the potential to revitalize events, propaganda, connection, credibility, and spy programs. Lord1 would benefit from Hijax's assistance, and in turn, Hijax's loyalty would be rewarded with a higher rank, providing more opportunities to enhance and advance COF.

Operation Serpent

Operation Serpent was a mission tasked to Hijax directly from Lord1, Its goal was to "Torture" Antzakes1 and to extract info on future base griefs and other missions from him (btw, I never tried to torture antz, I only extracted info from him) Later on in the mission Hijax would be tasked with extracting info from OxTxXTXxTxO as well. Before the end of Serpent, Hijax asked Lord1 if he should invite egnaroky to III Kroses to see if he would leak info to antzakes1, Lord1 said it would be a good idea.

(Screenie1) (Screenie2)

Kicked & Framed

The operation known as Serpent came to a close after two and a half months of work. Hijax diligently continued to gather and report information to Lord1, even during Lord1's week-long vacation in Italy. However, before Lord1's return, Hijax was unexpectedly removed from COF, stripped of his ranks, and labeled a Rebel and member of TSCOT. As a result, Hijax began to inquire about the situation, although he was playing GTA5 at the time and not on SimPVP. Additionally, other members began to mock and spread insignificant falsehoods.

The Fall of III Kroses

Hijax attempted to reach out to COF regarding his kicking issue while playing another game, but received no response from higher-ups. Meanwhile, Antzakes1 proceeded to grief III Kroses, leading to chaos. Hijax wrongly accused COF for the incident, not knowing that Antzakes was responsible for the destruction of his base. Upon realizing his mistake, Hijax came to the conclusion that his base was lost regardless of who was responsible.

(IIIWent1) (IIIWent2)

Radio Silence

Hijax for the next week would continue to ask why he was kicked and when someone would respond to him but received nothing in return, he would try just about anything until finally he was told they will hold a meeting to discuss what they will do.



(HijaxApril2nd-1) (HijaxApril2nd-2)


Nexus is Hijax's group that he founded and ran with egnaroky. It merged into TSCOT due to many reasons.

First Days

Amidst the chaos of the Hijax Conspiracy, he collaborated with a small group of friends to develop Nexus. They kept it low-key and unnoticeable for quite some time. However, on April 10th, it became widely known and attracted new players to join.


Terminus served as the first base and second capital of Nexus, It now sits partly abandoned due to all of the main members leaving for the summer, or venturing into other lands.


Valleria Restoration

At Valleria, Hijax organized the inaugural Nexus event where they successfully eliminated all the withers and also managed to restore a portion of the base. Moreover, the members were informed about the rebranding of the previous group "Dominate".

ValleriaRestoration.png ShowBizelFire1.png

Inactivity and Merging

Due to the summer of 2023 arising many players within TSCOT became busy, Players like EGN and LBG left for a multitude of reasons and Hijax left to travel his continent, with this he decided to push all players to join TSCOT, their sister group. They would merge on June 1st, 2023.


As of writing this in late August 2023, Hijax is a high-ranking and influential player within TSCOT, he stands loyal to the group that has helped him get so far.

Continuos Help

Hijax has continued to help TSCOT with planning future events, operations, and politics, throughout this time Hijax and OxT have gone back and forth about different things, typically ending with OxT saying no, and Hijax annoying OxT until he gets what he wants.

(Screenie 1) (screenie2)


"Ex" was a large-scale TSCOT base made on the world border, after asking to join the base and a small vote taking place, Hijax was accepted into Ex and he began to work a little bit on the base before he would leave for part of the summer. During one of his leaves, Ex would be griefed by COF.

TSCOTHama-1.png TSCOTHama-2.png

The Absent Summer

Hijax knew Summer 2023 would be a busy one for him IRL, with this he warned his allies about his leave, saying he could only play for a few select times while traveling the continent. He would return in late July to play off and on.

The First Return

Hijax returns in late July after months of traveling and soon starts working on his own base at the time Valleria III, he would start expanding it and becoming a more likable player and more self-sustainable.

Cascadia/Dead Flag

Hijax would be invited to a newly formed starter base under the name of "Novum". When Hijax arrived it was nothing more than a single house and a few other decorations, he would cross a river and soon make his claim to his own nation under the name of "Dead Flag" Soon it would have a large castle, farms, villages, and many other things any nation needs, all while Novum sat empty. After weeks of fighting Hijax would get the name he wanted, Dead Flag, but changed it to Cascadia.

Civil War.

Due to the geopolitical stance of Dead Flad and Novum, with Hijax and Hades, a civil war almost broke out, this would have resulted in the annihilation of the base and many deaths, but luckily everyone came to an agreement.

(Casc1) (Casc2) (Casc3) (Casc4)


Hijax founded Vulcan on July 31st, 2023, it serves as his main base and passion project, it serves as a large base housing many projects, taking inspiration from Yittirum with its founding and everything about it Hijax hopes to lead this base to be great. As of now the players at the base are anonymous.

(Vulc1) (Vulc2)

The Dying Age

This is the Dying Age of Hijax. Due to many reasons, Hijax is bored and tired of SimPVP. This could be the end.

Burnt Out

Hijax has logged over 1100 hours in his time playing sim, which is near 5 hours a day (spaced out obv). Hijax has done and completed so much, and with his current reputation he doesn't have many players to play with, this is causing him to be burnt out of Sim

Irl Life

Life for Hijax is busy, he has to go to school, play football, deal with a back injury, and work. This caused him to have close to no time to actually play sim if he wanted to, soon he hopes he gets more free time. As of now, nothing will be changing soon.

(Pic of irl smth) (pic of irl smth 2)