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Name: Hijax
In-game name: HijaxV2
Alts: Wouldnt you like to know?
Status: Active
Date: {{{date}}}
First joined: December 8th 2022
Last seen: Talking in chat
Formed: {{{formed}}}
Abandoned: {{{abandoned}}}
Disbanded: {{{disbanded}}}
Location: Valleria II
Coords: {{{coords}}}
Members: {{{members}}}
Clans: Church of Francis
Bases: Valleria Valleria II Fortnite Base GFC Bruno_quarry
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

”im about to get political.”


Basic Information

Hijax is a "peaceful" player, he likes to talk in chat and work on his current base Valleria II, with this he starts arguments and sometimes with other lower rep players, for being a newfag many players have grown to respect him, along the way he has joined Church of Francis and has befriended many many players. Hijax is known chiefly for making edits and videos of mainly COF but other coalitions and players as well.

Early Days

HijaxV2 first joined SimPVP in the late hours of December 8th after hearing about it from an unnamed friend, When Hijax joined he looked around spawn for a while until _swiggles_ and misterhollywood showed up, Hijax tried to be nice and peaceful but Swiggles just couldn't handle that and proceeded to spawn camp Hijax for almost 2 hours, eventually, MisterHollywood saw a chance for Hijax to escape and whispered to him to leave, Hijax walked down the -Z highway until he found Castle_Snowfrog he looked around and stole a golden helmet and boots from a loot room. After this Hijax would walk up the +Z nether highway until he found a good place to make a base hidden between rolling hills and far-out oceans, he would name this base Valleria.

VallerianSkyline.png HijaxTreeFire.png

Age Of Advancements

During this time Hijax would create many farms and expand his base, he would find 2 nearby villages and turn the Acacia Village into a breeder village and keep the Spruce Village for a later project. During this time a real-life friend (riptide_vr) would join the server and he would need a place to stay, Hijax invited him to come to stay at Valleria. When riptide showed up he almost immediately got to work perfecting the Villager Trading Hall and got it to such a good point that they could buy a full enchanted set of diamond amour for only 164 emeralds. After this big win for both of them they decided to go to the Spruce Village and make a sand super-smelter, an iron farm, and a mob XP farm (they didn't realize that there is a plugin that prevents that model from working). After this Hijax would be invited to Fortnite Base while he is there player, bruno_vera would see Hijax in plain iron armor, Bruno would offer Hijax for a godset of diamond armor, without hesitation Hijax would accept that offer and would get his first good set of armor. After this Hijax was less scared of mobs and dying so easily. With this newfound confidence, he would start trading more and going into /world more often. This would grow his connections and enemies.

Hijax-DeepslateDiamonds.png Hijax-Riptide Vr.png

Fortnite Base Shenanigans

A few days before Christmas 2022 (December 21st) he would be invited to Fortnite Base in a quick frenzy he would grab a very small amount of materials and make the multi-thousand block trek into the unknown, after almost an hour he would get very close to the Portal, right before he could break the last few netherrack his pickaxe would break and he was stranded, he soon messaged ChuckFuk for emergency help, ChuckFuk flew to Hijax and gave him a stack of golden carrots and a Totem, Hijax in a stupid fit of excitement did not put on his totem and put it in his Enderchest ChuckFuk had set down while mining down to the portal the number of blocks being broken was too fast for Hijax and he fell to his death DIRECTLY next to the portal. This gave Hijax the chance to come back to Fortnite Base with a few shulkers of materials and supplies for living there, as it was bare bones at the time. Hijax settled down in a half built shell of a castle ChuckFuk half built. Hijax would add another floor, wood floors walls, windows, staircases, towers and more. He called it the very barebones name... Hijax Castle.


Age Of Short-Term Conflicts

The Assassination of Riptide

The start of these short-term fights started here, One night Hijax and riptide_vr where at Valleria working on a farm, during this time _swiggles_ tried to lure riptide_vr into /World by asking for food, riptide immediately refused knowing _swiggles_ past. A few hours later into the night Hijax and riptide_vr decided to go exploring near spawn, after getting geared up they made it to 0,0 and they went to their first stop, Castle_Snowfrog while here riptide_vr went up inside a tower while Hijax flew to an old cave he made to survive his first night while flying the 100-ish blocks riptide_vr was killed in an explosion set off by _swiggles_, after this Hijax came to see what exactly happened and saw _swiggles_, Hijax didn't try to run because "I had no chance, and I doubt he would've killed me, we are both in COF, so higher-ups wouldn't be fond of _swiggles killing Hijax." When Hijax landed he saw all of riptide_vr's loot and picked it up and put it in his Enderchest, after this _swiggles_ and Hijax messed around for about 20 minutes and built a few things while there. _swiggles_ threatened to kill Hijax with a crystal but Hijax showed an act of defiance and stared _swiggles_ down, promptly scaring him to fly away.

The Hijax Trade Embargo

One of the worst things to happen to Hijax in his first month of playing, while trying to trade with _swiggles_ for some very cheap loot, (The Wasp) antzakes1 would come and kill him and take everything, after this unjustifiable kill, Hijax messaged antzakes1 and asked: "why?" antzakes1 told him something along the lines of, "I will not let you trade with _swiggles_ ever, don't try it, you will not survive" Of course Hijax was outraged but he knew he did not have the skill nor the supplies to kill the flying warship, antzakes1. But Hijax knew the obvious fix to this issue, Trade while he is offline, easy enough, antzakes1 isn't online much. But antzakes1 knew this and cracked down on Hijax more, stating "you can only trade with iLxgend, Laztec, Alunimisn, Lord1, or Ostrich1414. Hijax accepted that deal only on the condition he could freely fly around /World without immediate death. antzakes1 Agreed to that deal, until January 2nd, when Hijax went into /world for free stone offered by (PLACEHOLDER), there was no trade going on, Nor was it with a player that they agreed upon Hijax could not trade with,

The Fight For Fortnite Castle