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Revision as of 03:40, 17 November 2017 by Ostrich1414 (talk | contribs)
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Name: Virunum
In-game name:
Alts: Verillium (as of 2017)
Status: Rebuilding
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: Summer 2015
Members: pippenger, ostrich1414, JavelinFury, indy64, peppy42, brntrogdor, worldruler086
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Virunum was a base founded by pippenger in the Summer of 2015, under his alt The_Fulgurator. One of pippenger's last major projects before his temporary, albeit lengthy, hiatus from the server, Virunum was a city that hosted the creative construction from a large variety of skilled players. The site of major battles and destruction, Virunum also served as a turning point for the server, as much changed in the little time it had existed.

In the Summer of 2017, the United Alliance annexed Virunum for their own and placed worldruler086 in charge as the Senior Commander; he later changed the city's name from Virunum to Verillium, which it remains today. Here, he focused on major rebuilding and renovations, making very good progress.


Not-So Humble Foundations

In Summer 2015, established player pippenger was looking to begin a new mass-scale project on SimPvP; this project eventually became "Virunum", which was named after an ancient Roman city of the same name. However, rather than use his usual main account, pippenger used his brother's account, The_Fulgurator, as a secret alt; at the time, very few truly knew who The_Fulgurator was. As he conceived the idea behind Virunum and plotted the location for its construction, pippenger began to invite some of his most trusted allies to the location in order to assist him in his next big project. Some of these players included ostrich1414, JavelinFury, indy64, peppy42, and brntrogdor.

Once the location was chosen, which happened to be a plains biome far from spawn, pippenger built a small, temporary granite village on the outskirts of the city for the new arrivals to stay in before construction commenced. When everybody arrived at this location, pippenger was ready to begin work.

Birth of a City and ostrich1414's Hiatus

Virunum quickly flourished as construction began at a rapid pace; every player contributed their work in unique ways, and the city soon became a hub of creativity, as well as practicality. Some additions to the city were iron and gold farms, canals, a massive center plaza, and various buildings with distinct purposes and functions. Though the city grew quickly and looked astounding even in its early days, it received very poor record-keeping and not many pictures were taken. Unfortunately, one of the only surviving pictures of early Virunum is of ostrich1414's shitty house:

Shortly after Virunum's foundation and initial construction, ostrich1414, who only built his atrocious house and worked on city maintenance, went on a long hiatus in August 2015. Missing much of Virunum's progression and the following battles and bloodshed that occurred there, ostrich1414's hiatus lasted from mid-2015 to January 2017, where he returned to a griefed Virunum.

The Alt Wars and Virunum's Abandonment

For Pip

The Establishment of Verillium and a New Era

After pippenger's departure from the server in January 2016 and the immense destruction and damage in the city, Virunum was ultimately neglected by the server as it barely resembeled its former self was nothing more than a heap of cobblestone and carnage. However, upon ostrich1414's return to the server in January 2017, he logged back on to find Virunum destroyed and in disrepair, and instantly took an interest in the city.

Shortly after the foundation of the United Alliance in May 2017, ostrich1414 and JavelinFury decided to annex Virunum, as they did with many other former bases on the server. As Virunum was a large mess, they recruited worldruler086 to rebuild the city, establishing him as the Senior Commander of Virunum. However, to differentiate the city from its past, worldruler086 decided to give the city a new name: Verillium. Aside from it being a marker of change, the city was also renamed as the UA wanted it to remain a secret throughout the server as nobody would know what or where Verillium was.

Under worldruler086 and the UA, Verillium became an essential base; the massive cobblestone mountain that plagued the city's center was being removed at a rapid pace as each day he logged on, worldruler086 worked to dismantle it, with the ultimate goal of fully eradicating it and rebuilding the city. Though Verillium is far from complete, its future looks bright as there are already plans to continue its history.

On October 6th, 2017, the UA collapsed during the War of Monarchia, putting The Royal Allegiance in its place. The new RA, led by clipchip, instantly took control of Verillium, though work continued as usual and worldruler086's work only increased. As of now, he has plans to rearrange the city's interior structure, with the additions of new buildings and landmarks.


Here are some pictures of Virunum and Verillium, most of which are more recent as there are not many older pictures: