Current Events 2022

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Revision as of 17:17, 10 July 2022 by MoWobbler (talk | contribs)
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This is a page to keep track of day to day events related to SimPvP, including things which wouldn't be important enough for Server History or News. The record officially starts on January 1st, 2022, and events prior to then do not belong on this page.

View Current Events 2019, Current Events 2020, or Current Events 2021 to see previous archives.

January 2022

January 1st:

  • MoWobbler hosts a fireworks event the moment that SimPvP's server date changes from December 31st, 2021 to January 1st, 2022.
  • Ostrich1414 decides to create the newest iteration of the "Current Events" wiki series for 2022 even though it is still 2021 in his time zone.

January 4th:

January 11th:

January 15th:

January 27th:

  • Porkrinds4 is crowned King of Simpvp by Lord1. Coronation
  • Gonmoose accidentally discovers Pangaea through an open portal in the nether; despite this, his sudden arrival is greeted with hospitality by Pangaea's members, and he turns out to be a friendly base hunter posing no harm to the city.

January 28th:

  • TeamBees, frosthat, and Goujon grief Boolean Base after TeamBees x-rayed a portal to it, Goujon not knowing about the xrayed portal follows. This comes after drama between frosthat and his group, namely danimania and AngelsOfMercy, who had moved to a new location after frosthat leaked their coordinates.

February 2022

February 1st:

  • The Order of Wilbur begins Phase II of Laztec's "Make Spawn Great Again" campaign, this time removing a large chunk of a lavacast in preparation for water removal.
    • During a group photo in front of the lavacast being removed, 1Riot crystals and kills four geared players; however, he ends up apologizing and repaying them.

February 3rd:

  • Laztec constructs the first successful six level sweeper for the MSGA, removing a much larger chunk of water at once.

February 13th:

  • After over a year since TNT duping had been disabled on SimPvP, it returns in a smaller form, exclusively at spawn. TNT duping now works within a 2500x2500 area at spawn, and can only clear cobblestone to aid in the removal of lavacasts.
  • Clipchip officially becomes the newest SimPvP admin.

February 28th:

March 2022

March 5th:

  • The second annual SimPvP Map Art Competition officially begins (more information here: [1]).

March 7th:

March 14th:

March 16th:

March 17th:

April 2022

April 1st:

  • Yukarion launches an OnlyFans for SimPvP: [2]
  • After almost a year since resigning, ostrich1414 is once again reinstated as admin.

April 2nd:

  • Voting day for the Map Art Competition begins, drawing 44 players to vote for the map arts of their choice.
    • With 32 total votes, Lord1 and IAmTheSheriff's map art "Battle of Monarchia" wins the competition by a landslide.

April 4th:

  • clipchip hosts a SimPvP version of r/place in the events world, allowing any and all users to come and place their own artwork, text, etc. on a blank canvas to create a 1x1 map.

April 23rd:

  • SimPvP celebrates its 11 year anniversary.
  • Capture the Sign April 2022 occurs in /world, albeit it to lower participation than previous years.
    • GS Trading Co. ultimately wins the CTS event after successfully guarding the sign for one hour.

May 2022

May 1st:

  • CarbonKing discovers that coordinates to his and Lord Pasta's base have been illegally gained through the use of malware, in which a player named Zaouski used malicious software he sent one of the base's members, Zarbey, to exploit the base's location--a first for SimPvP.

May 3rd:

  • LLx severely lavacasts end spawn; this comes after several months of removing the previous lavacasts that were left behind from 2021.

May 4th:

  • The admins increase TNT duping's reach by enabling it serverwide in all dimensions, although it can still only destroy cobblestone and stone above Y=63.

May 9th:

  • The city of New Yittrium officially changes its name to "Civitrium", with several of its districts breaking up into independent, sovereign city-states.

May 13th:

May 14th:

  • A coronation and gathering is held at the Francillian city of Bestia Papa.
    • 20 players attend and Lord1 is inaugurated as Holy King of SimPvP by Pope Xexc.

May 29th:

May 30th:

June 2022

June 4th:

  • MoWobbler added the command: " /cat ", which displays a link to a funny cat video. In this video the cat looks like a seal, has dramatic zooming out effects, and plays the song popular song "Enemy" by Imagine Dragons. The popular meme is referred to as "Wawa Cat / Oh The Misery Cat" on

June 25th

  • Simpvp switches to a temporary map while the main map updates to 1.18.2.

July 2022

July 4th

  • Simpvp returns to the main map on 1.18.2.