The Wasp War

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The Wasp War
Name: The Wasp War
In-game name:
Status: Ended through Peace Treaty
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: January, 2023
Disbanded: September 18th, 2023
Clans: TSCOT, Nexus, Church of Francis
Bases: Spawn, /world, Konogla, Valleria, Valor, Excabor, Hole Base, Hamadale, 50k Tempbase, Spawn Bunker
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

The Wasp War was a conflict between January and September 2023, fought between the hegemonic Imperial Church of Francis and a variety of resistance or 'rebel' groups, most notably The Supreme Cult Of Tem. The 8 months of consistent warfare makes it the longest war in the servers history and resulted in the bombing of several bases and 30~ confirmed PvP deaths.

The member groups of the informal 'Wasp Coalition' (or 'FemWasps'), which over the 8 month conflict included The Peoples Resistance Of The COF (PROTCOF), TSCOT, Nexus and their initial ringleader Antzakes1 would initiate conflict in the early months of 2023 in a effort to weaken or hopefully defeat the perceived tyrannical Church of Francis.

Ultimately on the 18th of September, 2023, the last active belligerent group in the informal Wasp Coalition, TSCOT would agree to COF's conditions and admit defeat in the war.


Below is a look at the participants of the Wasp War, breaking down the teams and members involved in fighting / griefing (NOTE: Only those actively involved in war affairs are included):

Church of Francis

War Leaders

Grand Imperial Army of Francis

GS Trading Co.

The 88



Wasp Coalition

A loosely tied together group of players, unofficially going under the name "Wasp Coalition/Femwasps". Many of the players belonged to separate groups with different reasons for fighting the Church of Francis.
War Leaders


Clover Separatists

Coalition Ally



(Only including major events.)

January 2023

  • Antzakes1 becomes active on SimPvP again, reignites fued with Lord1.
  • Antzakes begins supplying and conscripting the help of players who dislike the Church of Francis.
  • The COF base, Deepslate Forge enters a internal crisis between members, causing half of the base to seize the farms and leave COF.
  • COF griefs and kills 4 of the separatists at the Battle of Clover.
  • The 'Clover Separatists' would start aligning with Antzakes and joined the secret 'PROTCOF'.
  • TSCOT joins the Wasp Coalition after its leader OxT is ambushed and killed by swiggles.
  • Aerial battles would start occurring in /World between the Church and Antzakes-Wasp coalition.

February 2023

  • Both groups conduct extensive espionage on each other, most notably TSCOT's spy 'NoNamedLoser' into COF's ranks and Hijax's spying operations on/for Antzakes1.
  • The Clover Separatists face a third attack, killing both online members.
  • PROTCOF becomes defunct.
  • COF member Glausthe dies to ambush, a lodestone to his base is acquired by OxT & Antzakes.

March 2023

  • Konogla is griefed by TSCOT and Antzakes.
  • Hijax conducts a spy operation for Lord1 to get as much information out of the Wasp Leaders (Antzakes & OxT) as possible.
  • COF grows suspicious of Hijax's true loyalty.
  • Papyrus839_ reveals to COF that NoNamedLoser is an OxT alt and it is swiftly assassinated by swiggles.

April 2023

  • A phony diplomatic summit is organised by COF to lure the Wasps and Hijax to battle.
  • Hijax is Assassinated by Supreme General Swiggles and the Francillians subsequently griefed a string of Hijax's old bases.
  • Antzakes and TSCOT would come to defend Hijax's old bases, initiating the Battle of Hole Base, killing Hijax again and PastChicken6240 in a /world trap.
  • The Clover Separatists face their fourth and final base attack, killing one online member.
  • COF starts investing more effort into spy operations, most notably by Lpmaster123, Swiggles and Lord1.

May 2023

  • Those spy operations acquired coordinates to a portal hub owned by theotherhades connected to various Nexus bases.
  • Valor is griefed by COF.
  • The last active member of the Clover Separatists, LightBlueGinger is griefed for a last time by COF after being sacrificed by a undercover TSCOT spy.

June 2023

  • Hamadale is griefed by TSCOT due to them being misinformed about Saisei being COF allies.
  • Antzakes exits the Wasp Coalition after deeming TSCOT "just like COF" for the griefing of Hamadale.
  • Excabor's coordinates are accidentally leaked to Lpmaster123 by Gerbbb in a video call.
  • Excabor is griefed by COF.
  • PvP comes mostly to an end here and TSCOT stops making efforts to wage war.


  • COF Continues to spy on TSCOT

August 2023

  • TSCOT begins to recover, new bases are built.
  • COF refuses to recognize peace.

September 2023

  • Lord1 offers TSCOT peace and alliance in exchange for COF victory.
  • TSCOT agrees.
  • Sovereign of TSCOT, OxTxXTXxTxO and Holy King of SimPvP & COF, Lord1 sign the formal peace treaty on the 18th of September 2023, 8 months after it began.


Political Context

The origins of the conflict can be dated back to 2020 when Antzakes1 and the leader of COF, Lord1 get into a heated argument after Lord killed one of Antzakes's old allies at JezdziecBezNicka's Base. For years after the initial argument, Lord and Antzakes grew a intense rivalry, leading to countless small conflicts and dogfights mostly in the PvP world.

Antzakes would return from his hiatus in late 2022, and for the most part both Lord and Antzakes were civil with each other. It wasn't until Lord discovered that Antzakes had been messaging COF members in a effort to turn them against Lord that the feud was reignited.

Operation Red Justice and the Deepstate Schism

After the decisive end of the The GS-YMP Conflict, the Church of Francis entered a unprecedented period of peace and prosperity. This peaceful period would last until late 2022 when The Dominion would return to the server and declare war on COF, initiating The Dominion-Francis Conflict. This guerrilla war between the two old enemies would open COF's eyes to how soft they had become during peacetime, so immense efforts to reinforce the Grand Imperial Army of Francis soon took place, old 2020 warriors were invited to return and fight and newer fighters were highly rewarded. With this influx of bloodthirsty Francillians, the merciful COF of 2022 was gone and a more brutal regime had once again taken shape.

In a new initiative undertaken mostly by COF Generals Swiggles & ItzPalo; Any and all COF rebels, pirates and people they just didn't like were to be swiftly killed on-sight without mercy. 'Operation Red Justice' would be a success resulting in 20+ high value enemy deaths from Dec-Jan. OxTxXTXxTxO would be killed in /World due to this, leading OxT to be recruited along with his friends into the Antzakes1 lead COF resistance. This early edition of the Wasp Coalition would engage with COF members in the skies of /World from mid January onward.

Server tensions would once again rise with the beginning of the Deepstate Schism, a COF crisis that took place after Pandyex invited a couple of new players to the base without asking the other base members, Swiggles would criticise this and joked he would "Sell the base to the highest bidder", which in turn caused half of the base to separate from COF and Deepstate, initiating the Clover Conflict.

The Clover Conflict

The realisation of the new brutal COF mindset would take place on January 14th, where 5 Francillian troops arrived at Clover (the Separatist's new base), bombed it and battled the online members. The Battle of Clover resulted in 3 Clover deaths, 2 Clover Ally deaths and the destruction of all Clover farms and builds. Video.

The general response to COF's invasion of Clover was negative, but most players avoided direct criticism as to not get drawn into the conflict. However behind the scenes, the Clover Separatists would receive both moral and materiel support from different corners of the community, including the newly established People's Resistance Of The Church of Francis or 'PROTCOF'. The Clover Separatists would go on join PROTCOF and Antzakes1. It would be around this time that the COF resistance fighters/supporters would start being referred to as 'Wasps' and/or 'FemWasps'.

A week later, the Clover Seperatists next base would be the victim of another COF invasion resulting in 1 Clover death. Video

The Spy War Begins

With the conflict out of control and in full swing, the 'Wasp Coalition' would infiltrate COF with their spy NoNamedLoser. COF would unleash it's spy and informant network to feed back information of the Wasps, including their plans and motives. Both sides would inject misinformation into the other's clan, with most of it being scare propaganda in a attempt to make the other group back down. Hijax had ties with both sides of the conflict, Lord1 would capitalise on this by ordering Hijax to extract and report information about the Wasp Coalition, most of it coming from conversations with Antzakes1 himself.

The Clover Seperatists would be hit with another COF invasion on February 15th, resulting in 2 Clover deaths. Video

The People's Resistance Of The Church of Francis would start to become defunct as of late February with Antzakes and OxT mostly leading the Wasp Coalition. The two would go on to kill COF Disciple Glausthe in a ambush, gaining a loadstone that lead directly to his base, Konogla.

The Ides of April

March of 2023 would begin with the bombing of Konogla by the Wasp Coalition. The unaffiliated members of the base would unite with COF after the attack. The backroom schemes and spying was still well underway by this point, however Hijax, the main informant feeding information to COF would come under secret investigation after some of his information wasn't aligning with other informants. To gloss over a very convoluted and intricate investigation which is still disputed, COF Priests found Hijax guilty of Anti-COF espionage and kicked him from COF.

Lord1 then invited him to a summit to supposedly apologise and reinstate him (whilst also secretly planning with hijax to lure the other Wasps into a portal trap). However after arriving, Lord1 snuck off to try ambush the hidden Wasp fighters at Spawn and ordered Swiggles to assassinate Hijax, which he did. COF then immediately went to a portal chain of Hijax's old bases and bombed them, all whilst battling the Wasp Coalition in the air. Most notable bases to be bombed here were Valleria, Valleria II and Hole Base where the largest battle would take place, resulting in the deaths of PastChicken6240 and Hijax again. [Video]