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Pangaea April 17th 1.png
Name: Pangaea
In-game name:
Status: Inactive
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: November 26th, 2021
Abandoned: February 16th, 2022
Coords: x: 239472, z: 15024426
Members: ostrich1414, LidGuy, TuataraBoots, WatermelonFun11, probablynotnick, craftgirlie, CloudDragon29, MoWobbler, ElectricChugg, Oztin, GentleGiant69, futurebabe, deducibleseven, Laztec, Hadandyboy, willowienal, ADHDTV, Ryoush, Jeward, gonmoose, four3thers, Zergles, AntiFreezeFluid, Coldsauce, Korijenkins, cheesy_chips22, Miljandro, Master_Xybot
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

Pangaea is a city founded on November 26th, 2021. The city was formed as a spontaneous settlement for several members of the server Uneasy Vanilla, who had also met ostrich1414 and LidGuy there. The two would then bring them to a further, permanent location, where Pangaea would soon be founded, quickly becoming an affiliated base of The Order of Wilbur. Pangaea is notable for harboring several unique and distinct styles of architecture, from modern skyscrapers to medieval villages to industrial farm sectors to rustic natural builds. Thanks to the city's large playerbase, the diversity in its architecture is ever-growing, featuring many unique builds and several high-quality farms.

Due to Pangaea being settled in an unsecure location, having already been discovered by outside players twice before, the city was officially abandoned on February 16th, leaving it fully inactive. Most of Pangaea's active members would move on to found Kinabalu as its successor.


Migration from Uneasy Vanilla

Sometime in mid October 2021, ostrich1414, LidGuy, and several other SimPvP players would temporarily move to the server Uneasy Vanilla, a similar semi-anarchy server. They would play there for a little over a month before leaving. Despite this, they managed to build close relationships and connections to several other Uneasy Vanilla players. In late November of 2021, ostrich1414 got into contact with TuataraBoots, a former Uneasy Vanilla player, and he invited her to SimPvP, where he had begun playing regularly again. Word about SimPvP had also spread around Uneasy Vanilla to other players, and soon after TuataraBoots joined SimPvP, she was followed by several other close friends from Uneasy Vanilla, including WatermelonFun11, probablynotnick, craftgirlie, and CloudDragon29.

With these five UV players now at SimPvP spawn, they were immediately joined by ostrich1414, and later LidGuy, and were given gear, tools, and food. Ostrich1414 brought them far out into the overworld, away from spawn, and for the next couple hours the group of seven traveled further out in the hopes of establishing a new base. They eventually settled on a coastal plains peninsula surrounded by spruce forests with a village, and immediately set to work on founding the base. Ostrich1414 began by constructing one of his famous skyscrapers at the very tip of the peninsula, while probablynotnick began work on his own skyscraper, which would soon become the tallest structure in the city. TuataraBoots, meanwhile, would work on her first build, a treehouse, which functioned as the city's early storage center.

TuataraBoots Treehouse.png

As the base began to slowly grow, ostrich1414 took it under his wing as an affiliated base for The Order of Wilbur, soon inviting other trusted Wilburians like MoWobbler, ElectricChugg, and GentleGiant69. These new arrivals also coincided with the arrival of other Uneasy Vanilla regulars, including Oztin, futurebabe, and deducibleseven. With GentleGiant69 now at the base, he began work on its first major farm, a three-layer gold farm, with help from several other members. It was also around this time, in early December 2021, when craftgirlie would provide the flourishing city with its permanent name: Pangaea.

Chilling at Pangaea.png Pangaea Gold Farm.png Pangaea Moss Cave.png

Explosive Growth

With a solid membership now established, Pangaea would begin to grow significantly in size and scope. TuataraBoots began work on several different builds throughout December 2021, including the city's main villager hall, a horse stable, Pangaea City Hall, and several farms, including pumpkin, melon, honey, and sugar cane. Ostrich1414 also created the city's main portal hub skyscraper, while ElectricChugg worked on a nearby skyscraper of his own. Craftgirlie would create her house on an island mountain right off the coast, and probablynotnick would continue work on his skyscraper, which would slowly progress over time to reach build height. WatermelonFun11 and MoWobbler would both create underground houses for themselves.

Chilling in Villager Hall.png OOW Temple Pangaea.png

By mid December, even more players would be added to the city's membership. Laztec would become the newest Wilburian to join the city, and soon after, Hadandyboy would arrive, followed again by another Wilburian, willowienal. Laztec would begin construction on Pangaea's largest build to date: a massive walled-in fortress and grounds, known as Dawnguard 3.0. Hadandyboy would work on providing the city with an even bigger storage hall, replacing TuataraBoots' treehouse, as well as producing a series of floating islands in the sky. Craftgirlie would assist him with these islands, and the two would construct large cathedrals atop them.

Dawnguard 3.0.png Hadandyboy's Islands.png

By January 2022, Pangaea had grown from a small settlement into a large-scale city, featuring many unique builds from its playerbase. Unlike most other cities on SimPvP, Pangaea's diverse palette of build styles would define its cityscape and provide the city with a beautiful melting pot of creativity.

Progress Amid Controversy

Although Pangaea was becoming a bigger city by the start of the new year, it was not without its fair share of controversies. The first major issue would arise on January 10th, when ElectricChugg brought ADHDTV to the city as its newest member without full consent from its existing members. Although this controversy would quickly be resolved and everybody would welcome ADHDTV with open arms, it became the first instance of Pangaea's brush with low security.

Nevertheless, the city would continue to grow and expand, featuring more farms and more builds. Ostrich1414 would create a blaze farm and a sugar cane farm, while TuataraBoots would create a moss farm and a massive underwater dome. Craftgirlie would create a skyscraper modeled after a cake, featuring much of the city's food sources. LidGuy would eventually return to Pangaea after some time away from the base, constructing his very first build, a massive casino. Probablynotnick, meanwhile, would focus on bettering the city's roads and streets, constructing several beautiful paths throughout the city's skyscraper district. Pangaea would even see more new members join its ranks, including Hadandyboy's friend Ryoush, and Laztec's friend Jeward.

Pangaea Skyline January 29.png TuataraBoots Underwater Dome.png

Perhaps the city's biggest controversy thus far would occur on January 27th, 2022, when Pangaea was accidentally discovered by a player named gonmoose after he found an open portal to it in the nether. Although he had discovered Pangaea days prior, he publicly announced his discovery on January 27th, and was immediately met by Laztec and ostrich1414 in the city center. Luckily, gonmoose meant no harm, and ostrich1414 had a a good relationship with him as well, so Pangaea was in no immediate threat. Several other members soon joined, and gonmoose was given a tour of the city and became its newest, albeit default member. Despite this, Pangaea's security as a city was brought into question, and although it was in no danger, the fact that it was discovered so easily was a disturbing reality.

Gonmoose at Pangaea 1.png Gonmoose at Pangaea 2.png

Security Breach and Abandonment

Once February 2022 arrived, Pangaea was growing at an exponential rate in terms of membership. In total, Pangaea would house 28 official members, all with varying degrees of activity. Not only would this massive city membership prove to be a stressful weight on the city, but the unsecure location at which Pangaea sat would also prove to be harmful in the long-run once more. Despite this, a few players still remained loyal and active at Pangaea, and a few small builds would continue to spring up around the city for the last two weeks of its lifespan. However, after the incident in which gonmoose discovered Pangaea, most members were growing wary.

On February 16th, Pangaea would experience yet another major security breach, which would prove to be its fatal blow. Gsmack discovered Pangaea after finding a map art platform nearby it; he would then proceed to invite a few other members of his group, GS Trading Co., including Goujon and SkullerG. Fortunately, GS Trading Co. was on very good terms with the Pangaea playerbase, especially the Order of Wilbur, so there was no fear of griefing--nonetheless, this proved just how unsecure the city was, a fact that its members had known for months now. Understanding that this base would continue to be discovered in the future, and that both gonmoose and GS were only two of many potential discoveries, Pangaea's core members decided that it was time to fully abandon the city and move on to a new, much safer and more secure project.

GS Finds Pangaea.png

The same day that GS discovered Pangaea, its members began to loots all valuables from the base and prepare to move on to a new location where they would be safer. Furthermore, many Pangaeans were dissatisfied with the immense number of members the city had, so many inactive players were cut from the successor. Using a shared alt account, LidGuy, ostrich1414, TuataraBoots, and Laztec began flying out in search of a new city, before stumbling upon a massive coastal jungle biome a few days later. On February 23rd, 2022, several of Pangaea's active members would found the new city of Kinabalu, where they would shift their focus. Thus, Pangaea would become inactive, largely abandoned and sitting dormant.

Pangaea April 17th 1.png Pangaea April 17th 2.png