North Koria (Clan)

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North Koria
Name: North Koria
In-game name:
Status: Active
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: March 20th, 2019
Members: Korijenkins, HedgehogMind, TheOnlySlash, PhamtomGuy, Historian, 2b2tard (Formerly), Ostrich1414 (Honorary Member)
Bases: North Koria (Base) (Destroyed), Further North Koria (Formerly), Belgium, This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

North Koria was founded the same day the original base was built, with Korijenkins at one point being its only member. Since then, HedgehogMind, TheOnlySlash, PhamtomGuy, and Historian have joined the clan. 2b2tard was once a member of North Koria, but left the group for unknown reasons. The group has existed for over a year, outlasting numerous enemies.


These are the members of North Koria in the order in which they are ranked.


The Founding

On March 20th, 2019 North Koria was founded in a shattered savanna biome. The group at the time consisted of Korijenkins and a rather fast horse named Khria. On the highest peak of the biome, work began on a tower that would reach high into the sky above as the city of North Koria (Base) began construction. It took over a week of hard labor, but the tower was completed, reaching just shy of the build limit. The same day the base was completed, a zombified cleric arrived, and Korijenkins managed to cure him, naming him Doofus. This was the first of many signs that Doofus was a holy figure. Soon after, the base became self-sustaining as farms were added in a basement area underneath the tower. During this time, Korijenkins was in constant contact with the Fellowship of the Kittens. There were talks of North Koria joining the FOK for a time, as well as an alliance between them, but no deals were struck. During this time, Korijenkins came under suspicion that the tower he had constructed was too close to spawn, and abandoned it.

The Trek North

Korijenkins began traveling north, using portals to move Doofus and animals from the base. After a decent amount of travel, construction began on a secure bunker that would become Further North Koria. Soon a portal was established, giving Korijenkins easy passage to and from spawn. Doofus was secured in a safe location within the bunker. During this time, TheOnlySlash sought to recruit Korijenkins to The Fellowship. FOK members, as well as Antzakes1, believed this was a perfect opportunity for him to spy on the group on their behalf. He initially agreed to do so, but soon began plotting. When he arrived at New Sorpigal, a Fellowship spawn base for new members, he discovered an ugly cobblestone rectangle as the sole structure, and made small improvements to the build. Here he met HedgehogMind and was soon informed by TheOnlySlash that the base was temporary, meant to discover who exactly was spying on the group. Utilizing the portal he had made, Korijenkins split his time between New Sorpigal and Further North Koria, constructing a gold farm at the latter which doubled as an XP farm.

War of the Fellowships

The two fellowships were at war for some time before Korijenkins joined the group, and a mysterious player named Kojed had "accidentally" located all of the FOK bases. In exchange for helping him escape spawn and taking him to New Sorpigal, Kojed gave Korijenkins coordinates to Kittenspear and Syracusai. Additionally, for his work insiding The Fellowship]], Antzakes1 gave him coordinates to Struthio, which he promptly sold to TheOnlySlash for a dragon head and some alpha slabs. New Sorpigal was abandoned, as it was public knowledge that Kojed was the alt of Lord1 who had become angry with other FOK members and sabotaged the group. Korijenkins and HedgehogMind left the base for The Rape Cave and New Sorpigal was destroyed by FOK members, believing it had been the main base of the Fellowship. The only casualty of this conflict was Kojed, who Lord1 had made sure was online to maintain a tiny amount of plausible deniability that they were the same person. Construction began on Fellowspear around this time, and soon Korijenkins decided to check the legitimacy of the coordinates Kojed had provided to him.

The Death of Francis

About 3 hours of traveling had proven to be fruitful, as Korijenkins arrived on the outskirts of Kittenspear on the morning of May 22nd. Although TheOnlySlash had ordered him not to grief the base, Korijenkins was the Grand Marshal of North Koria and didn't obey orders without question, and subsequently griefed the base. Kittenspear was destroyed, and Korijenkins returned to Fellowspear triumphant. The FOK had lost their oldest base at the cost of one lackluster spawn base. They had also failed to completely empty the base of goods, and useful tools and enchantment books were pillaged. These items were not given to The Fellowship for use, and TheOnlySlash was led to believe the base had been empty. The next target was Syracusai, which wound up being a very confused base that featured Roman, Japanese, and medieval European builds. TheOnlySlash accompanied Korijenkins on this grief, and the base was utterly destroyed. During the grief, Korijenkins discovered a statue of a sheep, with a red sheep standing next to it named Francis. He filled the statue with TNT and detonated it, killing Francis in the process. Lord1 insists that Francis was not killed at Syracusai, but the story as to his survival has changed several times, leading many to believe that Francis was indeed slain during the grief. Once again, the base was pillaged, and most of the supplies were returned to Further North Koria.

Ending the War

Korijenkins had become very wealthy during the war, and due to his success in locating two FOK bases, he was given access to one of The Fellowship's supply bases. The base was filled with useful supplies, mob drops, blocks, iron, gold, and other valuables. The time had come. When TheOnlySlash was offline, Korijenkins began looting the supply base, gathering stacks of iron blocks, redstone blocks, ender pearls, and the beacon that powered the base. All of it was stolen, and soon he traveled to Fellowspear and The Rape Cave, pillaging them both as well. Korijenkins posted the coordinates of the three bases in chat, and departed. The bases were griefed severely by TheOnlySlash's various enemies, and the War of the Fellowships was brought to a close. When the dust had settled, the three bases were destroyed and Korijenkins had managed to obtain valuable goods from five separate group bases, all of which he stored in Further North Koria.

The City of North Koria

A few days after the griefs had occurred, HedgehogMind logged onto the server, still at Fellowspear. The first thing he discovered was that the base was destroyed, which was unsurprising as a video of it being destroyed had been posted the day after it was leaked. TheOnlySlash was not online at the time, so he messaged Korijenkins, who explained what had happened and offered him a spot as a member of North Koria. Not wanting to invite a new member to the storage space that was Further North Koria, Korijenkins provided him with the coordinates to the tower he had constructed, but he was uncertain if it still existed. Two months after abandoning the tower, Korijenkins returned to it to discover that it had survived its abandonment, and not long after HedgehogMind arrived. North Koria (Base) began to rapidly expand during this time, as HedgehogMind had a vast knowledge of redstone. What was once a simple tower on a hill soon became a fully functioning base with many farms, storage areas, and portals. The base was booming, and Korijenkins made a discovery at the same time that changed the history of the group.

Striking Gold

Korijenkins used a lot of his spare time to explore areas of spawn, collecting alpha slabs he found as well as banners belonging to different groups. During one expedition, he left the nether through a portal near his own portal to Further North Koria, and instead of coming out of the nether at the usual spot, he was in a location he had never been at before. He was underground in a sleek bunker that appeared to be untouched. A sign identified the bunker as belonging to DeflowVesper a former admin on the server who no longer played actively. While exploring the base, he came across a room filled with villagers that had trades available that could no longer be found on newly created villagers. These old villagers were effectively priceless, and Korijenkins quickly evacuated them to Further North Koria. The new villagers allowed him to mass produce XP bottles, as their trade was vastly more efficient than the trades villagers offered in 1.13. Even when 1.14 released, these villagers would remain superior. With the now endless supply of XP bottles pouring in, Korijenkins was able to mass produce god sets and sell shulkers of the bottles as well.