YeeterMyPeeter: Difference between revisions

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|members    = Bosscoww, [[Jake276493]], Dougmaster, Wisenty, Autisticbot, [[The_Lucky_Lapin]]
|members    = Bosscoww, [[Jake276493]], Dougmaster, Wisenty, Autisticbot, [[The_Lucky_Lapin]]
|clans      =
|clans      =
|bases      = niggerniggernigger1
|bases      = EGGTOWN

Revision as of 18:07, 21 April 2019

Name: YeeterMyPeeter
In-game name:
Alts: #TeamYMP, YMP
Status: Semi Active
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: February 16th-17th 2019
Members: Bosscoww, Jake276493, Dougmaster, Wisenty, Autisticbot, The_Lucky_Lapin
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

YeeterMyPeeter, #TeamYMP or YMP are a wandering team of new players dedicated purely to griefing, constructing no bases of their own. They describe their mission statement as "only to destroy", declaring the server to be "far too civilized", and expressing a desire to return the server to the chaos from which it was born. While other teams aim to cultivate a thematic style, this team more closely resembles a loose horde of barbarian raiders. Most members leave alts near spawn to terrorize the mapped region while their mains explore outwards looking for more remote bases to grief. They heavily oppose how civilized the server is and hope to bring it to a much more chaotic state.

ShadyB0B has funded the group, for unknown reasons.

Remnants of the group claim YMP is still active, and while this may be true in some sense, their lack of activity and action on the server has led them to become largely irrelevant, a shadow of their former selves. Most players not affiliated with YMP consider the group to be permanently dormant, if not completely dead.

The Horde Arrives

On February 16th, 2019, a group of players joined the server and banded together under a banner of destruction. They launched a series of attacks on cmlove's spawn build Novus Castle. There, they were opposed by a counterattack led by a large coalition of reinforcements called in by cmlove including clipchip, ostrich1414, b9b9, CrackyJoe, jaffdhi, 8cream8machine8 and many others. During the ensuing battle several defenders were killed, granting the new players access to fully maxxed-out diamond gear and weapons.

The following day, a final attack was launched on the castle, and with little-to-no resistance remaining, the Castle was abandoned and successfully lavacasted by YMP, fully destroying it.

Later that same day, the team attacked Fort Cranberry, which had already faced a hostile takeover earlier that year, hoping to achieve a similar result. They were able to cause severe damage to the Fort before clipchip arrived and easily slaughtered them.

On the 18th, YMP discovered and completely destroyed the public castle of Tamarisk with no resistance.

On the 19th, YMP discovered the portal to Quinsigamond and began to greif it, although halfway through Fluz43 arrived invisible and was murdered by YMP. Soon after, clipchip and JavelinFury came and attempted to kill YMP; it was a long battle, and overall clipchip and JavelinFury won the battle, but YMP could now own the title of killing clipchip, slaughtering him after his computer crashed.

After the battle, one of YMP's members, PhamtomGuy, was banned for using x-ray; he subsequently logged on two more times with two more alts, both of which were banned. Angry at this, PhamtomGuy turned on YMP and claimed that their leader tupik had been cheating and benefitting off of his x-raying. This led tupik to be banned as well, although internally YMP was furious. What resulted was a week-long investigation into tupik's jailing, which mainly focused on his relationship with the banned account jake276493.

On the 20th, YMP discovered the End portal and decided to bedbomb anyone who came. After tupik sending clipchip some loli porn, he managed to persuade clipchip come to the End 0,0 in where 00123, tupik, and Bosscoww managed to get their second kill on clipchip via suicide bombing.

On the 22, YMP was quite calm on terms of griefs, only partially griefing Castle Snowfrog. However, they manged to bedbomb clipchip again, this time in the nether. They also managed to pop the Totems of Undying off PeanutSniper and also managed to murder JaveilnFury with only iron armor. They also recruited TheOnlySlash into YMP.

Over the next few weeks, one of YMP's members The_Lucky_Lapin went on a griefing campaign, severely destroying Glowstone Tower, Snowfrog castle and Quinsigamond.

List of destroyed bases


Here are some pictures of the griefs caused by #TeamYMP:

NovusCastleGrief.png ForCranGrief.png TamariskGrief.png UiniaGreif.png DowntownGreif.png CastleSnowfrogGreif.png QuinsiGriefYMP1.png