Church Of Fluz

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Church Of Fluz
Name: Church Of Fluz
In-game name:
Status: Active
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: July 1st, 2019
Members: TheOnlySlash, MutualistManiac, SirTashingdon, Pythonx, The Arma, Zepheron, ComicLogic.
Bases: WILLAMHH Struthio
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

While reading thy sacred text, please do keep in mind that this is only one of the thousands of interpretations.

Book 1: Genesis

In the beginning, There was peace, Free trade, Free will. A long period of hundreds of thousands of years resulted in true everlasting peace. this is how it used to be. The heretics that follow the path of Wilbur and DakkaDok were not yet existent and thus... maybe, there was peace. A simple traveller by the name of Fluz43 joined our world; he was proud of his time there, wandering peacefully with the other first ones. But soon, the creator Yukarion grew dissatisfied with his creation, and sought a new beginning. Rending the Earth asunder with his mighty hands, he erased all from existence almost wiping out life entirely. Fluz rose from the ashes a survivor, and found himself in the pure, unspoiled pastures of the virgin Spawn. Slumbering in his bed somewhere in the young world, a dream came to him - a premonition of a promised land where he would raise a community to be a shining beacon of humanity. He began a great journey, enduring many hardships; crossing scorching deserts and vast oceans. After aeons of wandering, he finally came to the land he foresaw in the first dream; he named it: The 50k Base.

Book 2: Calling

For over a decade Fluz lived simply and joyfully, and in his community he was safe; though at the 50k base, stealing, killing and Intense Rape was common, for he was like man; though he strove to be an honest man, a good man. After a decade of living with his wife and 56 children, the balance of power began to change; settlers he had invited in his boundless hospitality began to take control of his beloved kingdom, ruling it with tyrrany in their hearts. His power waned day by day until one night, the second great dream came to him. As he wandered the plains of the dreamlands, an Angel spoke to him; the angel of Dok. He was told by the angel that he had impressed the gods with his efforts. The holy three: The creator spirit, Yukar, the warrior of lightning Dakkadok and the vigilant watcher MisterStrawman desired a messenger to carry their will, and it was to be him. A loyal servant to a new way of life; this was the answer. Fluzism would be the belief to SAVE the 50k base. After many many many years of gathering disciples such as TheOnlySlash and Ostrich1414 he attempted to grief the 50k base and liberate it by force as this was the one true way of Fluzism. Unfortunately he failed, unable to carry out the will of the Gods; he and his followers were cast out of the 50K base as punishment, being banned from entry to its Elysian fields. In an attempt to convert many more to the teachings of Fluz, He set forth to Stonetown where stayed, gathering followers for many years. this includes some of the current confessors and even the High Bishop.

Book 3: Heresy

The peace and unity of the church was not to last however; at Stonetown Fluz had the third great dream. In the dreamlands, he saw a creeping mist curling around shrunken and decaying trees, the shadowy silhouette of some fallen creature lying before him. As he approached it, gnarled and wasted hands erupted from the soil and dragged the figure beneath, waking Fluz in a cold sweat. That day, the disciple known as Ostrich1414 was riding his beloved pig Wilbur around the hills of Stonetown, when he took a fall, bringing Wilbur's life to an abrupt end. Racked with guilt over the death of his noble steed, he turned in his desperation to dark sorcery, taking Wilbur's piggy corpse to a place where the shadows whisper and twisted things live; a place governed not by the laws of the holy three, but by the impure beings who were seeded into the world, claiming dominion over the dark forces that had been seeded into the world by the creator's imperfect work. Ostrich buried him in the sour earth and uttered an unholy prayer, tearfully begging to have his sweet Wilbur returned, though he knew it might mean tarnishing his very soul. He tried to hide his sin, but Fluz discovered his betrayal of nature and cast Ostrich into eternal banishment and exile, never again to walk in the light of righteousness. The church was in a dark place for many years, slowly losing its influence as the months dragged by, Ostrich's heresy and banishment a curdled taste on every believer's tongue.

Book 4: Redemption

In a fourth great dream, the angel of Dok came to fluz once more and told him to take back the 50k base. Fluz pleaded with the angel to take the burden away from him, saying he was clearly not worthy of his title and a new messenger should be chosen. The angel said to him: "Faith, Faith is what your followers are, Faith is what you must have in the upcoming battle". The very next day Fluz roused his troops with an inspirational speech. He told them he was proud of their resolve, and their faith that they had carried with them even through the dark times. They took back the 50k base in a decisive victory and enslaved those who cast him out, Executing and raping the young to set an example of what happens to those who do not follow the One true God.

Book 5: The Slaying of the Hydra

Back in the second age, a mighty Empire rose to engulf spawn and spread its influence outwards. Known simply as The Empire, it was led by an ambitious man named Pippenger, who saw himself as the rightful ruler of all lands, and sought to bring the entire server under his dominion. The Empire eventually collapsed from within, and Pippenger vowed he would someday rule all and seek revenge against the traitors who wronged him. Other similar factions continued to rise and fall, and some speculated that these newcomers were apprentices of Pippenger, being trained in secret to enact his will. One sequence of teams were directly focused on rebuilding the ruins of the Empire's old fortresses. The situation got out of hand when The Principate, a team created from the ruins of previous quasi-Imperial faction the Order, declared war on Fluz's small, peaceful team Nameless. Fluz had been creating a great ring in the sky so his people could float above the strife below and meditate in peace, this place was called Gregoria. Without warning, agents from the Principate appeared from nowhere, attacking and swiftly annexing Gregoria, sparking the two great wars of the burning age. Fluz and his companions were at a loss; they had no idea how the insurgents had found their location so easily. Several other bases suffered the same fate, and the possibility of a mole began to be uttered in hushed tones. What followed was a war of espionage, but the Principate was always one step ahead. Eventually, Fluz discovered the grim truth; their close friend and ally BloysterCultist was in fact a puppet of Pippenger; just another body controlled by the would be Emperor's mind. This discovery led to the realisation that Porkington and Allsixsix, key members of The Principate were the same being; not human at all, but merely appendages of some great and terrible being; Pippenger. Paranoia swept the server, nobody could be sure if their allies were secretly sleeper agents whose minds could be taken by the emperor at any moment to destroy all they had worked for. Fluz knew he had to cut through the darkness and save the people from their terror. He sought the heart of the beast, and discovered its true face. He considered the weight of his actions... And then damned the infernal hydra. Pippenger's true name and face were shown to all, for speaking a spirit Hydra's true name reveals it's true form. All of Pippenger's sleeper agents were discovered, and executed, some choosing to die rather than live knowing their life was a lie. The brutality of the attack shocked the Gods, who decided against damning Fluz to infernal incarceration, and were forced to write a new, third rule into the sacred covenant to prevent such an act ever being undertaken again. Fluz's followers rejoiced, the many-faced serpent was slain, and they could live without fear of his interlopers living amongst their ranks.

Book 6: The Church Rises

Two years after the dust settled, The Siege and YMP Crusade were battling over control of spawn. The leader of the Siege, TheOnlySlash, had a premonition. HE was visited by the angel of Dok telling him to make the word of the prophet Fluz known to all. Taking SirTashingdon with him, the pair founded the base WILLAMHH, where construction of the very first church to Fluz began. The word of fluz will save you, my child. Do you have faith?

Ideals of the Church:

The church recognises Wilbur the Pig as an unholy symbol of undeath and necromancy, an afront to all that is good and natural and considers followers of The Order of Wilbur to be at best, misguided and at worst, heretics. The more worship Wilbur receives, the stronger his foul children the zombie pigmen grow, each new piglet another soldier in his infernal army. All pigs have been cursed by the dark ritual that brought Wilbur back, meaning every pig that lives has a little Wilbur in it.

The Church Pursues these Goals:

  • Slay every pig in sight, capture some for ritual purposes
  • Construct temples and churches to Fluz's greatness
  • Perform the Rum Ham ritual, whereby a pig is named Wilbur, doused in potion of slowness, then ritually sacrificed while the priest screams "I'M SORRY, RUM HAM"
  • Spread the good word of Fluz
  • Convert the heretics
  • Construct gold farms to diminish Wilbur's army and generate gold to burn as an offering to increase Fluz's power