Intervention War

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Revision as of 15:34, 20 February 2020 by Lord1 (talk | contribs) (we peed on spawn xd)
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The Intervention War
Name: The Intervention War
In-game name:
Alts: The BC - clipchip war, The BC - McMafia War
Status: Ongoing
First joined:
Last seen:
Formed: November 23rd, 2019
Clans: Bloc for Clans, The Dominion, The Conspiracy, Shadow Mcmafia
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}


The Intervention War is a response to McMafia and its allies aggression to many of the member states of the Bloc for Clans and plans to start a server wide war with any that stand in their way. Unlike The Holy Wilbur-Francis War, which occurred only weeks prior, there is no cooperation in setting up battles or signing treaties. All battles have taken place at random, in /world, or near spawn, and active bases have been annexed. As such, this is a much less friendly war.


November 23rd - TheOnlySlash, clipchip and JavelinFury grief Pasta Bowl, _Unix2010 is later killed by TheOnlySlash.(Axis WIN)

November 26th - JavelinFury tries to find and kill Lord1 in /world, AntHand Ambushes Javelin, JavelinFury calls in dariepearjuicy to help. After some brief fighting, Lord1 and Cutman join the battle. Dariepearjuicy is killed by AntHand, JavelinFury retreats. (BC WIN)

November 28th - at a spawn meetup including Lord1, ostrich1414, jared2013, AntHand, Antzakes1, cheesy_chips22 and Zepheron, Zepheron kills Antzakes1 and then while in an attempt to run away is killed due to fall damage. (Unresolved)

December 13th - Lord1 and iPyxis ambush and attack JavelinFury and dariepearjuicy at cmlove's base, the Foxhole. (Draw)

December 15th - TheOnlySlash kills seventwoworlds at spawn. (Axis WIN)

December 17th - Lord1 and iPyxis ambush dariepearjuicy and Javelinfury near spawn. Both Javelin and dariepear are killed. (BC WIN)

December 21st - TheOnlySlash kills Blockplanet94(Axis WIN)

December 24th - TheOnlySlash and Korijenkins find CranberryWarrior at spawn and pop his totem causing him to flee and later combat log with elytra on two occasions with ten minute intervals.(Axis WIN)

January 3rd - Seventwoworlds griefs a Bloc for Clans outpost and attacks Lord1 causing him to combat log.(Axis WIN)

January 4th - Lord1 pops Zephrons totem in /world before they both agree to a truce.(Stalemate)

January 12th - jesusfag and TheOnlySlash have a skirmish at spawn lasting around an hour, eventually jesusfag retreats to spawn and logs.(Axis WIN)

January 13th - Zepheron kills LexiTheLama but shorty after gives stuff back. (Axis WIN)

January 17th - egnaroky and TheOnlySlash fight with Slash retreating. (BC WIN)

January 18th - Zepheron portal traps and kills Lord1 at nether spawn. (Axis WIN)

January 29th - TheOnlySlash kills Sellout at spawn, Lord1 and antzakes1 turn up, forcing him to recede to spawn and log off. Antzakes1's fights Slash at spawn, forcing him back to spawn once again. (Stalemate)

January 30th - Lord1 and Antzakes1 turn up at spawn after Chirall is killed by clipchip and have a brief dogfight with him. Clipchip leaves and AntHand Joins Lord and Antzakes in camping Zepheron at spawn until Anthand is crystalled by Korijenkins. TheOnlySlash kills Wawuwiva at nether spawn. TheOnlySlash kills Kadenis/Jesusfag at nether spawn on two occasions after portal trapping. (Axis WIN)

January 30th-31st - AntHand attacks Javelinfury in /world in an attempt to enforce the blockade. Javelinfury calls in clipchip. Skirmishing continues for around an hour, Javelinfury leaves midway through the battle. Using bow spam at world height, AntHand almost destroys clipchip's armor. Javelinfury rejoins the fight, tipping the balance and finally killing AntHand. (Axis WIN)

February 1st - Lord1 goes to spawn to fight TheOnlySlash, Lord gets portal trapped and escapes and fights Slash and Zepheron. Eventually Lord1 is crystalled. Lord1 regears about 30 minutes later and goes into /world, RickyTheSus fights Lord1 resulting in Lord1 combat logging.(Axis WIN)

February 1st - TheOnlySlash fights AntHand near spawn, AntHand pops 3 totems before proceeding to fight with elytra, after about 5 minutes of fighting Antzakes1, Jesusfag and Blockplanet94 show up with Blockplanet94 and Jesusfag spectating, the server is then restarted allowing AntHand to regear resulting in TheOnlySlash retreating to spawn like a pussy. (BC WIN)

February 2nd - Lord1 and AntHand meetup at spawn, AntHands computer crashes while crouching just on the outside of spawn, TheOnlySlash (who was also there fighting AntHand prior to this) pops AntHands totem and with AntHands computer crashing TheOnlySlash continues to hit him until on accident Lord1 kills him with the last hit. (Stalemate)

February 2nd - Korijenkins enters /world, causing AntHand to enforce the Anti-Axis blockade. egnaroky joins a few minutes later. AntHand lands several shots while Korijenkins flies erratically and attempts to evade him. The battle ends around 10 minutes later when Korijenkins manages to slip away from /world. (BC WIN)

February 5th - The new /world is introduced. Clipchip enters and antzakes1 attacks. After some fighting, clipchip retreats. (BC WIN)

February 12th - Clipchip is killed by Antzakes1 in /world.(BC WIN)

February 17th - Clipchip enters /world, provoking BC blockade enforcement. 4 BC members enter /world to kill clipchip, and he retreats.(BC WIN)

February 17th- Lord1 and AntHand agree to a 2v1 with clipchip. The battle lasts for around 5 minutes before Antzakes1 joins /world, ruining the agreed upon 2v1, and causing clipchip to retreat.(Stalemate)

February 17th - Ostrich1414 attempts to buy clip coin from clipchip. AntHand enforces blockade, initiating a 20 minute 1v1. As their armor drains, clipchip uses exp bottles to repair, while AntHand's continues to be damaged. AntHand's helmet breaks, causing him to retreat from /world. (Axis WIN)

February 19th - Lord1 and Zepheron duel in /world. Antzakes1 joins and with Lord1 force Zepheron to retreat out of /world. (BC WIN)

February 19th - Zepheron and clipchip enter /world. Antzakes1 follows and attacks them immediately. The 2v1 continued for a while both on the ground and in the air. At one point, clipchip and Zepheron are able to pop Antzakes' totem while he is battling within a lava cast. Antzakes retreats back into the air and begins to shoot them. Antzakes, distracted by Zepheron, allows clipchip to retreat. Zepheron epearls widly before finally retreating, leaving Antzakes the victor in the 2v1. (BC WIN)

Declaration of War - Organised Conflict Begins

After suffering 9 months of hard abuse from the forces of the Shadow MCMAFIA and the Conspiracy, many newer players and groups including Caudices, Antzakes1, and the Church of Francis united under the Bloc in an effort to rid the world of MCMAFIA, clipchip and his aggressive allies. Another reason the Bloc felt it necessary to try rid simpvp of McMafia was the plans their fuhrer at the time was planning, which included a full scale invasion on all the server and any that stood in their way. This is where the name 'The Intervention War' came from as the BC was intervening the McMafia invasion.

While these groups have had enduring conflicts between each other in the past, they deemed the raids and threats of the Conspiracy to be a larger threat to their safety and prosperity. Throughout early November, they secured their allies, built up their supplies, and joined a coalition, with most discussions being held within the Bloc for Clans discord. In late November, AntHand on behalf of the Bloc, formally declared war against clipchip, McMafia and its allies. Whether or not this was taken seriously by the opposition, a great invasion was soon to commence.


On December 7th, the combined forces of the Bloc for Clans launched a massive raid on MCCAPITAL, which had been leaked to Lord1 by an unknown source. In total, the invasion had 12 fully kitted soldiers. The invasion took place with no counterattacks, and soon a large wall was erected, splitting the newly conquered territory between Caudices and the Francillians. The intentions of the Bloc's invasion here was to use MCCAPITAL as leverage to overthrow JavelinFury (the then Fuhrer of mcmafia) and instate Cheesy as the new Fuhrer.


Unknown to many before the raid, the MCCAPITAL actually had very little to do with the clipchip or mcmafia as a whole, instead it was mostly built and operated by cheesy_chips22. Understandably, cheesy became angry and tore down the wall, and nobody returned to reassert dominance, although Cheesy was soon to leave mcmafia and join the Bloc.


Invasion of Ascaris - The Dominion joins the War

Joint Bloc-Yittrium forces launched an invasion on Ascaris, dividing the territory between them as was done with MCCAPITAL. Shortly after this, it is assumed that a member of The Dominion griefed the city.

Ascaris Colonization.png

The Dominion joined the war due to many reasons, one of the more popular is that the Bloc declared war as Ascaris was thought to be destroyed by The Dominion, another that the dominion joined the war as it has close ties with mcmafia.


On the 27th of December 2019, three Bloc troops advanced into BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBixieland with the intent to claim it. They were completely un-opposed and were successful in disabling farms and asserting claim on the fairly inactive city.


M_BRIX came to the base with the idea that there was a party happening there but was soon to find out he gave away that he knew of a portal hub connected to the base. Lord1 and Antzakes1 interrogated him in an effort for him to give away access to the hub although they lead BRIX to kill himself by flying into lava.

Activity Slows to a Crawl

After the annexations of bixieland and elondusk, the mcmafia began to slowly fall apart. /World blockades imposed by the BC violently interrupted commerce for many mcmafia members, leading several to distance themselves from the team, or in sellout9's case, leave it entirely. Despite this success, no confrontations between Dominion/Conspiracy forces and the BC would occur for several months other than few small skirmishes in and around spawn. As of early January 2020, no new bases have been uncovered or raided either.

Results of The Sigil Conflict

After The Sigil Conflict had resulted in the abandonment and leak of Sigil, Lord1 was very unpopular amongst the members and the members allies. This includes Seventwoworlds who succumbed to The Dominion and leaked Cutman's (a trusted Francillian warrior) base to them. The base was griefed in a Dominion video as well as the leaking of the base 'Francistan', a base founded by Wolfiee_, Unix and Lord1 on the 7th of September. Francistan was earlier leaked to the Dominion by e_lee who did this for unknown reasons, speculated by the Church to simply be bored of the base. Despite Francistan being abandoned and scrapped on November 3rd and the builds still being intact, this was a definite loss for the Church.

Hearing the news about Cutmans base, Lord1 retaliated against Seventwo by griefing and raiding his unnamed base.

.Yeeting cutmans base.png

Reignition of Conflict

In late January and early February, following the dissolution of the Second Siege, conflicts once again soared. Many battles occurred in a short span of time, and the war's death toll rose.

The Betrayal of Oneword

On the 9th of February 2020, Zepheron tricks Cheesy_chips22 into thinking Lord1 was manipulating him into getting coords, making Cheesy angry at Lord causing him to leak the coords of Oneword (a non-BC base holding a few BC members) to Zepheron. Lord hears that Zeph has coords to Oneword and completely evacuates the base's valuables as well as breaking all its portals. Shortly after, the base was griefed by Lord, Tenced, iPyxis, SaluutSFR, Ostrich1414 and CrackyJoe.

Although it wasn't a BC base and therefore not a BC loss, the incentive to raid and grief it was to back the axis's side of the war.

Operation MB II

Operation MB II (Moist Boiz 2) was a plan drafted by the BC to discourage crystal pvp in the spawn region by completely flooding spawn making it difficult to place end crystals, giving BC personnel the upper hand when it comes to pvp as they focus less on crystal pvp and more on sword/bow pvp. The Operation started on the 18th of February.

Spawn dry.png

Spawn wet.png