The Slord Wars

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The Slord Wars
Name: The Slord Wars
In-game name:
Date: March 2019 - January 2021
First joined:
Last seen:
Clans: Fellowship of the Kittens, The Fellowship, YMP Crusaders, The Siege, Bloc for Clans, The Dominion, Church of Francis, The Republic
Bases: Semper Idem, Fort Thunder, Kittenspear, Syracusai, New Sorpigal, Hammerhall, Aurum, New Hammerhall, Lordhaven, Fellowspear, Spawn, MCCAPITAL, The Fox Hole, Oneword, Ascaris, Two Words, Olgremont, Stonetown
Schematic: {{{schematic}}}

The Slord Wars were a series of conflicts and wars started a fought between mainly two players, Lord1 and TheOnlySlash. After a failed assassination attempt which started the War of the Fellowships, the rivalry started between Lord and Slash would persist until early 2021 when the pair finally became neutral.

WIP (note from lard: tryna move all the lord v slash wars onto one page so it's nice n neat <3)


War of the Fellowships

The War of The Fellowships was a war between two clans, the Fellowship of the Kittens and The Fellowship with multiple allies being heavily included in the conflict including Triterrus and VetoTheNeato's The Drago Guard. The war began on March 14th, 2019, when player and leader of The Fellowship, TheOnlySlash, attempted to assassinate three members of the Fellowship of the Kittens out of fear that he would miss his chance to ambush them with the planned help of Triterrus, He would then attempt to kill the original members with a crystal bomb. TheOnlySlash issued a kill-on-sight order immediately after the failed attack directed towards the FOK. The FOK subsequently declared war on the Fellowship, beginning The "War of the Fellowships".

The war was largely defined throughout its official period as a cold war, most of the war was fought through opposing ideas and propaganda throughout the beginning months, with each team acquiring different allies and affiliates to aid them should an attack take place. In the latter half of the war, bases began to fall, with the Fellowship of the Kittens and the Fellowship eventually losing all of their bases. By the end of May, the war had officially "ended" by default due to the Fellowship of the Kittens formally disbanding their team and the Fellowship collapsing due to the "betrayal" of Korijenkins with many players of both sides moving on to other projects or quitting the server entirely.


Progression of the War

By this point internal strife had caused the FOK to collapse in on itself, with many of the former members joining the Empire of Odin.

Kittenspear and Syracusai were later leaked by FOK member AtacFauxPas (using alt 'Kojed') and destroyed by Korijenkins and TheOnlySlash. With the war all but over, Korijenkins leaked all of The Fellowships bases to YMP and Antzakes1, both of whom had taken a stance against the Fellowship. YMP eventually arrived and griefed both Fellowspear and The Rape Cave, but this backfired as the leader of the group, Jake276493, ended up being banned from the server for using an illegal minimap mod that was shown in his video of the grief.

End of the War

By early June, all major groups involved in the war had collapsed. The Fellowship of the Kittens and the Fellowship had both fallen by the end of May. The Empire of Odin, which had absorbed many former FOK members, also collapsed not long after raiding and destroying a base that was intentionally given up by the Fellowship. While The Fellowship technically achieved a pyrrhic victory by outlasting the FOK, there was no real winner of the war itself with all of the groups involved leaving the war both financially and infrastructurally decimated. Aurum was finally griefed in mid-July by the Fellowship successor group, the Dominion, bringing an end to yet another chapter of the destructive year that was 2019 on Sim PvP.

Siege vs YMP Crusade

Out of all the wars fought between Slash and Lord, this was relatively minor. Very few actual fights happened, but it would none the less escalate the hatred between the two. The main incentives for the conflict was the contrast between both Lord and Slash's vision for spawn. Slash wanted to bomb spawn to bedrock where as Lord wanted to keep spawn and it's history intact also to make it easier to enslave new players.


Intervention War

Lord1 had been contacted by Fuhrer of MCMAFIA - JavelinFury whilst ingame, asking if the Church of Francis would support MCMAFIA in a scenario of a all out server war. Lord pretended he'd consider the offer, but instead secretly contacted other BC members and discussed a pre-emptive war declaration against the MCMAFIA.

This was agreed after a vote in the BC senate and war was declared. BC leaders would assume this war would be similar to the Holy War; annexations, large battles and diplomatic meetings. However it would devolve into terrorist acts, ambushes, guerrilla warfare and many, many small scaled skirmishes.


One of the first acts of war was the raid of MCCAPITAL, MCMAFIA's Capital city.

Unknown to many before the raid, the MCCAPITAL actually had very little to do with the clipchip or mcmafia as a whole, instead it was mostly built and operated by cheesy_chips22. Understandably, cheesy became angry and tore down the wall created in the city by the BC, and nobody returned to reassert dominance, although Cheesy was soon to leave mcmafia and join the Bloc.


The Dominion joins the War

Joint BC-Yittrium forces launched an invasion headed by Lord1 and Ostrich1414 on Ascaris on November 23rd, dividing the territory between them as was done with MCCAPITAL between the Church and Caudices.

Ascaris Colonization.png

Shorty after the invasion, a unknown person completely blew the city up. It's thought that because of the vast amount of people exposed to its coords that day, one of them griefed the city although some people suspect the Dominion for the grief. The Dominion joined the war around this time as they have an alliance with MCMAFIA.



After the annexations of bixieland and elondusk, the mcmafia began to slowly fall into inactivity. /World blockades imposed by the BC violently interrupted commerce for many mcmafia members, leading several to distance themselves from the team, or in sellout9's case, leave it entirely. Despite this success, no confrontations between Dominion/Conspiracy forces and the BC would occur for several months other than few small skirmishes in and around spawn.

Results of The Sigil Conflict

After The Sigil Conflict had resulted in the abandonment and leak of Sigil, Lord1 was very unpopular amongst the members and the members allies. This includes Seventwoworlds who succumbed to The Dominion and leaked Cutman's (a trusted Francillian warrior) base to them. The base was griefed in a Dominion video as well as the leaking of 'Francistan', a base founded by Wolfiee_, Unix and Lord1 on the 7th of September. Francistan was earlier leaked to the Dominion by e_lee who did this for unknown reasons, speculated by the Church to simply be bored of the base. Despite Francistan being abandoned and scrapped on November 3rd and the builds still being intact, this was a definite loss for the Church.

Hearing the news about Cutmans base, Lord1 retaliated against Seventwo by griefing and raiding his unnamed base.

In late January and early February, following the dissolution of the Second Siege, conflicts once again soared. Many battles occurred in a short span of time, and the war's death toll rose.

The Betrayal of Oneword

On the 9th of February 2020,Cheesy_chips22 leaks Oneword to Zepheron. Lord hears that Zeph has coords to Oneword and completely evacuates the base's valuables as well as breaking all its portals. Shortly after, the base was griefed by Lord, Tenced, iPyxis, SaluutSFR, Ostrich1414 and CrackyJoe.

Although it wasn't a BC base and therefore not a BC loss, the incentive to raid and grief it was to back the axis's side of the war.

Operation MB II

Operation MB II (Moist Boiz 2) was a plan drafted by the BC to discourage crystal pvp in the spawn region by completely flooding spawn making it difficult to place end crystals, giving BC personnel the upper hand when it comes to pvp as they focus less on crystal pvp and more on sword/bow pvp. The Operation started on the 18th of February.

Spawn dry.png

Spawn wet.png

End of the War

After a vote is held in the Bloc discord, the majority votes to end the war as a 'stalemate' as the Bloc had succeeded their goal to counteract MCMAFIA as most members either left and joined the BC or went inactive. Despite this, some MCMAFIA members joined the Dominion.

Grief of Atacfauxpas's base

Despite the war being over, the Dominion and the remaining MCMAFIA continue their aggression towards the BC and on the first of March 2020 after TheOnly was invited to Atac's base by Atac, clipchip, TheOnlySlash and Zepheron turned up with the intent on griefing it due to players such as Lord1, Egnaroky, AntHand and iPyxis building there, after blowing up the base Zepheron was crystalled by Lord1 who was watching whilst invis from afar.

Atacfauxpas grief.png

Republic-Francis Proxy War

With Lord1 and the Church focusing on The Byzantium War, little conflict would occur between him and Slash directly. Behind the scenes however, many players wanted to unify under a new clan and directly oppose the Church of Francis. People sharing these sentiments would unify under the Republic

Olgremont Grief 1.png

List of Conflicts and their belligerents

War of the Fellowships

  • The Fellowship of the Kittens


  • The Fellowship

First Siege Conflict

  • YMP Crusade


  • The Siege

Participation in the Holy War

Intervention War

  • Bloc for Clans


  • The Dominion
  • The Conspiracy

Republic-Francis Proxy War

  • Church of Francis


  • The Republic

Participation in the Imperial War